Copenhagen Jazz Festival  
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Overview all days (as PDF)

Best paper award

Programme (main conference)
 Wednesday, July 4
 Thursday, July 5
 Poster and tool demos
 Guidelines for speakers

Programme (workshops)
 Monday, July 2
 Tuesday, July 3

Programme (tutorials)
 Tutorial 1 (Monday morning)
 Tutorial 2 (Monday afternoon)

Social events
 Reception (July 3)
 Excursion and dinner (July 4)

Accepted papers

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Social events

An important part of a conference are coffee breaks and time for for meeting people. On top of coffee breaks, ECMFA offers two social events. There is a reception on Tuesday, July 3 late afternoon, and there is the excursion and conference dinner on Wednesday, July 4.

Below, you will find some information on these events. Please, note that even though the reception is on Tuesday afternoon/evening already, all participants of the ECMFA workshops and the main conference are welcome — actually encouraged — to participate in the reception. This would be the place were people from the conference and the workhops could meet, even if they do not participate in all parts.

Reception: Tuesday, July 3, 1730-2000, DTU Campus, Building 342

The reception on Tuesday will be held in the Cafeteria in building 342 and in the courtyard in front of it, which is shown on the map below.

The reception will be "the Danish way" with a "pølsevogn" (hotdog stand), beer, cocoa (yes!), and other beverages — and some Jazz music. Participants of the workshops can walk over to building 342 together (1715 at the ECMFA reception).

Again: Participants of all ECMFA events are welcome to show up at the reception, even when registered for the main event on Wednesday and Thursday only!

View ECMFA 2012 locations in a larger map

Excursion and Conference dinner, Wednesday, July 4 (bus leaves from DTU at 1645)

The conference dinner is combined with an excursion, which will be a boat tour in the Copenhagen harbour which will end at "Skuespilhuset" (The Royal Danish Playhouse), where we will have the dinner together (see map below). The bus for the excursion leaves at 1645 at the parking place north of the DTU building.

If you would like to join us for the boat tour coming from somewhere else, you can meet up for the boat tour at 1730 (sharp) at Nyhavn (at about the corner Heibergsgade — at the sign "NETTO-BÅDENE"). If you want, you can also join us at the conference dinner at "Skuespilhuset" (Sankt Annæ Plads 36) at 1830.

Please be aware of that it can be windy on the boat. So we advise you to have some warm clothing with you. It might also be sunny, so you might want to bring some sun protection.

Note that there is no organised transport back to the hotels after the conference dinner. The Phoenix Copenhagen hotel is close by (walking distance). For the other hotels, see information on transportation; the Metro station "Kongens Nytorv" is close to the site of the conference dinner (see map below).

View ECMFA 2012: Conference dinner and downtown Copenhagen in a larger map