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Overview all days (as PDF)

Best paper award

Programme (main conference)
 Wednesday, July 4
 Thursday, July 5
 Poster and tool demos
 Guidelines for speakers

Programme (workshops)
 Monday, July 2
 Tuesday, July 3

Programme (tutorials)
 Tutorial 1 (Monday morning)
 Tutorial 2 (Monday afternoon)

Social events
 Reception (July 3)
 Excursion and dinner (July 4)

Accepted papers

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List of accepted papers (main conference)

The programme of the ECMFA main conference will be online soon. Here is a list of accepted papers:
  1. Sebastien Mosser, SINTEF ICT, Norway; Mireille Blay-Fornarino, Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis / I3S, France; Laurence Duchien, INRIA - University of Lille, France:
    A Commutative Model Composition Operator to Support Software Adaptation

  2. Anjelika Votintseva, Petra Witschel, Nikolaus Regnat and Philipp Emanuel Stelzig, Siemens AG, Germany:
    Comparative Study of Model-Based and Multi-Domain System Engineering Approaches for Industrial Settings

  3. Mirco Kuhlmann and Martin Gogolla, University of Bremen, Germany:
    Strengthening SAT-Based Validation of UML/OCL Models by Representing Collections as Relations

  4. Maged Elaasar, IBM, Canada; Yvan Labiche Carleton University, Canada:
    Model Interchange Testing: a Process and a Case Study

  5. Thomas Goldschmidt and Wolfgang Mahnke, ABB Corporate Research, Germany:
    An Internal Domain-Specic Language for Constructing OPC UA Queries and Event Filters

  6. Lionel Briand, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway; Yvan Labiche and Yanhua Liu, Carleton University, Canada:
    Combining UML Sequence and State Machine Diagrams for Data-Flow Based Integration Testing

  7. Gehan M. K. Selim, James R. Cordy, and Juergen Dingel, Queens University, Canada; Shige Wang, Electrical and Controls Integration Lab, General Motors Research & Development, USA:
    Model Transformations for Migrating Legacy Models: An Industrial Case Study

  8. Istvan Rath and Ábel Hegedüs, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary; Daniel Varro, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany:
    Derived Features for EMF by Integrating Advanced Model Queries

  9. Dimitrios Kolovos, Louis Rose, Nicholas Matragkas, James Williams and Richard Paige, University of York, UK:
    A Lightweight Approach for Managing XML Documents with MDE Languages

  10. Tao Yue and Shaukat Ali, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway:
    Bridging the Gap between Requirements and Aspect State Machines to Support Non-Functional Testing: Industrial Case Studies

  11. Jorge Pinna Puissant and Tom Mens, Université de Mons, Belgium; Ragnhild Van Der Straeten Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium:
    Badger: A regression planner to resolve design model inconsistencies

  12. Gefei Zhang, arvato systems, Germany:
    Aspect-Oriented Modeling of Mutual Exclusion in UML State Machines

  13. Rolf-Helge Pfeiffer and Andrzej Wasowski, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark:
    TexMo: A Multi-Language Development Environment

  14. Colin Atkinson, Ralph Gerbig and Bastian Kennel, University of Mannheim, Germany:
    On-the-Fly Emendation of Multi-Level Models

  15. Jan Rieke and Oliver Sudmann, University of Paderborn, Germany:
    Specifying Refinement Relations in Vertical Model Transformations

  16. Razieh Behjati, Shiva Nejati, Tao Yue, Arnaud Gotlieb, and Lionel Briand, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway :
    Model-Based Automated and Guided Configuration of Embedded Software Systems

  17. Fabian Büttner and Jordi Cabot, INRIA-École des Mines de Nantes, France:
    Lightweight String Reasoning for OCL

  18. Juan De Lara and Esther Guerra, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain:
    Domain-Specific Textual Meta-Modelling Languages for Model Driven Engineering

  19. Gabor Batori and Domonkos Asztalos, Ericsson, Hungary; Zoltan Theisz, Evopro, Hungary:
    Metamodel Based Methodology for Dynamic Component Systems

  20. Marius Lauder, Anthony Anjorin, Gergely Varró, and Andy Schürr, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany:
    Bidirectional Model Transformation with Precedence Triple Graph Grammars

  21. Tahir Naseer Qureshi, Dejiu Chen, and Martin Torngren, The Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden:
    A timed automata-based method to analyze EAST-ADL timing constraints specifications

  22. Petr Smolik and Pavel Vitkovsky, Metada, Czech Republic:
    Code Generation Nirvana

  23. Alek Radjenovic, Richard Paige, Louis Rose, Jim Woodcock, and Steve King, The University of York, UK:
    A Plug-In Based Approach for UML Model Simulation

  24. Alek Radjenovic, Nikos Matragkas, Richard Paige, and Dimtrios Kolovos, The University of York, UK; Alfredo Motta, Matteo Rossi, and Luciano Baresi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy:
    MADES: A Tool Chain for Automated Verification of UML Models of Embedded Systems

  25. Ning Ge and Marc Pantel, University of Toulouse, France :
    Time Properties Verification Framework for UML-MARTE Safety Critical Real-Time Systems

  26. Gergely Varró, Anthony Anjorin, and Andy Schürr, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany:
    Unification of Compiled and Interpreter-Based Pattern Matching Techniques

  27. Lars Hamann, Oliver Hofrichter, and Martin Gogolla, University of Bremen, Germany:
    OCL-Based Runtime Monitoring of Applications with Protocol State Machines

  28. Clément Guy, Benoît Combemale, and Steven Derrien, and Jean-Marc Jezequel, IRISA - University of Rennes 1, France; Jim Steel, University of Queensland, Australia:
    On Model Subtyping

  29. Ulrich Winkler and Wasif Gilani, SAP Research, UK; Mathias Fritzsche, SAP AG, Germany; Alan Marshall, Queen's University Belfast, UK:
    BOB the Builder: a fast Model-to-PetriNet transformater

  30. Frank Burton, MooD International, UK; Richard Paige, Dimitrios Kolovos, Louis Rose, and Simon Poulding The University of York, UK:
    Solving Acquisition Problems using Model-Driven Engineering and Model Transformation