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Best paper award

Programme (main conference)
 Wednesday, July 4
 Thursday, July 5
 Poster and tool demos
 Guidelines for speakers

Programme (workshops)
 Monday, July 2
 Tuesday, July 3

Programme (tutorials)
 Tutorial 1 (Monday morning)
 Tutorial 2 (Monday afternoon)

Social events
 Reception (July 3)
 Excursion and dinner (July 4)

Accepted papers

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ECMFA Main conference program: Thursday, July 5

  830–900 Registration

  900–915 Welcome

  915–1030 Keynote talk (Glassalen)
chaired+) by Antonio Vallecillo
Ed Seidewitz, Model Driven Solutions, USA:
Executable UML: From multi-domain to multi-core
1030–1100 Coffee break (with posters and tool demo in the Foyer in front of lecture hall M1)

1100–1230 Model transformation (Glassalen)
chaired+) by Esther Guerra
  Metamodeling 1 (M1)
chaired+) by Juan de Lara
M. Lauder, A. Anjorin, G. Varró and A. Schürr:
Bidirectional Model Transformation with Precedence Triple Graph Grammars

J. Rieke and O. Sudmann:
Specifying Refinement Relations in Vertical Model Transformations

P. Smolik and P. Vitkovsky:
Code Generation Nirvana

S. Mosser, M. Blay-Fornarino and L. Duchien:
A Commutative Model Composition Operator to Support Software Adaptation

C. Atkinson, R. Gerbig and B. Kennel:
On-the-Fly Emendation of Multi-Level Models

G. Batori, Z. Theisz and D. Asztalos:
Metamodel Based Methodology for Dynamic Component Systems

1230–1330 Lunch break

1330–1430 Verification 1 (Glassalen)
chaired+) by Christopher Preschern
  Simulation (M1)
chaired+) by Andy Schürr
T. N. Qureshi, D. Chen and M. Torngren:
A timed automata-based method to analyze EAST-ADL timing constraints specifications

N. Ge and M. Pantel:
Time Properties Verification Framework for UML-MARTE Safety Critical Real-Time Systems

A. Radjenovic, R. Paige, L. Rose, J. Woodcock and S. King:
A Plug-In Based Approach for UML Model Simulation

U. Winkler, M. Fritzsche, W. Gilani and A. Marshall:
BOB the Builder: a fast Model-to-PetriNet transformater

1430–1500 Coffee break

1500–1630 Verification 2 (Glassalen)
chaired+) by Ekkart Kindler
  Metamodeling 2 (M1)
chaired+) by Reda Bendraou
M. Kuhlmann and M. Gogolla:
Strengthening SAT-Based Validation of UML/OCL Models by Representing Collections as Relations

F. Büttner and J. Cabot:
Lightweight String Reasoning for OCL

L. Hamann, O. Hofrichter and M. Gogolla:
OCL-Based Runtime Monitoring of Applications with Protocol State Machines

J. De Lara and E. Guerra:
Domain-Specific Textual Meta-Modelling Languages for Model Driven Engineering

C. Guy, B. Combemale, S. Derrien, J. Steel and J.-M. Jezequel:
On Model Subtyping

G. Zhang:
Aspect-Oriented Modeling of Mutual Exclusion in UML State Machines

1630–1645 Closing session (Glassalen)

+) Speakers are asked to contact their session chairs before the session (see more details in the guidelines for speakers).