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Overview all days (as PDF)

Best paper award

Programme (main conference)
 Wednesday, July 4
 Thursday, July 5
 Poster and tool demos
 Guidelines for speakers

Programme (workshops)
 Monday, July 2
 Tuesday, July 3

Programme (tutorials)
 Tutorial 1 (Monday morning)
 Tutorial 2 (Monday afternoon)

Social events
 Reception (July 3)
 Excursion and dinner (July 4)

Accepted papers

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Guidelines for presenters (and session chairs)

Below, the presenters at the ECMFA main conference will find some recommendations about their presentation and the preparations for it; at the same time, the session chairs will find some information concerning the organisation of the sessions.

The speakers should contact the chair of their session and introduce themselves to the session chairs well before their session, so that the session chair knows who will give the talk — if possible avoid doing that only in the last minutes before the session (see the programme of the conference for the chairs of the sessions).

Time slots

There are two kinds of sessions during the ECMFA main conference: regular sessions and the tool session.

In the regular sessions, each presentation is assigned a slot of 30 minutes, where about 25 minutes will be available for the talk itself, and 5 minutes for questions and discussion (and for switching to the next speaker).

In the tool session, each presentation is assigned a slot of 15 minutes, where about 12 minutes will be available for the talk, and 3 minutes for a very brief discussion (and for switching to the next speaker).

Note that the session chairs will watch over the time and — if necessary — cut your talk short, since we have a quite tight schedule. Please, prepare your talk for the resp. amount of time. The session chairs will be provided with signs that indicate the remaining time for the talk; the speakers should watch their session chairs for that.


In both lecture halls (glassalen and M1), you will have a data projector (beamer) available for your presentation. Please make sure that you bring a laptop from which you can present your slides and make sure that your laptop is working together with the data projector. It might be a good idea to copy the different presentations in the same session to one computer — software and operating system allowing.

There will also be a microphone available, and it would be good if the session chairs and the speakers make themselves comfortable with the use of the microphone before the session.

All speakers and the session chair should meet up at least 15 minutes before their session starts (we urge you to check whether your computer works with the data projector even before that).

There will be internet available in the two lecture halls. But, you should not rely on the internet for your presentations. Make sure that you can give your presentation even if no internet connection is available.

Form, style, and language

It goes without saying that the language of ECMFA 2012 is English (in different flavours and accents).

We do not know yet how many people will be attending the sessions. But, you should be prepared for a large audience. This means that the fonts that you are using on your slides should be large enough (as a rule of thumb not smaller than 20pt). In general, make sure that everything is clearly readable and visible (remember that data projectors tend to absorb some of the brilliance of your slides) and do not put to much meaning into colours.

Please, bear in mind that your audience might have different backgrounds, and make sure that — at least major parts of — your talk is comprensible by the general audience.