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 Tuesday, July 3 (overview)

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Second Workshop on Process-based approaches for Model-Driven Engineering (PMDE)

Tuesday, July 3, 1330–1630, S12
organised by Reda Bendraou (University of Pierre & Marie Curie, France), Lbath Redouane, Coulette Bernard, Gervais Marie-Pierre

Building complex and trustworthy software systems in the shortest time-to-market remains the challenging objective that competitive companies are facing constantly. A more challenging objective for these companies is to be able to formalize their development processes in order to analyze them, to simulate and execute them, and to reason about their possible improvement.

In the last decade, the Model-Driven Engineering approach has proven its effectiveness for the specification and realization of large and complex systems. However its use in the field of process modeling and execution is still not fully exploited. The PMDE Workshop aims to gather researchers and industrial practitioners working in the field of Model-Based Engineering, and more particularly on the use of processes to improve software reliability and productivity.

Program (room S12)

1330 – 1430 Processes and Semantics (Reda Bendraou)
Specifying the Interaction Control Behavior of a Process Model using Hierarchical Petri Net (Fahad R. Golra, Fabien Dagnat)

Formal and Fault Tolerant Design (Ammar Aljer, Philippe Devienne)

1430–1500 Coffee break

1500–1630 Processes and Methodologies in MDE (Redouane Lbath)
Towards an Agile Foundation for the Creation and Enactment of Software Engineering Methods: The SEMAT Approach (Brian Elvesæter, Michael Striewe, Ashley McNeile, Arne-Jørgen Berre)

Model-based Product and Process Integration for Enhanced Collaboration during Mechatronic Design Processes (Holger Seemuller, Holger Voos)

Design Decisions for UML and MOF based Domain-specific Language Models: Some Lessons Learned (Bernhard Hoisl, Stefan Sobernig, Sigrid Shefer-Wenzl, Mark Strembeck, Anne Baumgrass)