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Programme (overview)
 Monday, July 2 (overview)
 Tuesday, July 3 (overview)

Programme (tutorials)
 Tutorial 1 (Monday morning)
 Tutorial 2 (Monday afternoon)

Programme (main conference)

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First Workshop on Graphical Modeling Language Development (GMLD)

Tuesday, July 3, 900–1700, S10
organised by Heiko Kern (University of Leipzig), Juha-Pekka Tolvanen (MetaCase, Finland), Paolo Bottoni (University of Rome)

Models play an important role in software development. They not only support communication and understanding, but are increasingly used in automating software development tasks. While many languages are created for software developers others may be created for business analysts, interaction specialists, or test engineers. Often these languages are domain-specific, created for a narrow application area or for use only inside one company.

This workshop looks at principles of modeling language development, particularly graphical modeling languages for domain-specific needs. We discuss contributions that are backed up by experiences on developing languages. We cover all the phases of language development, including definition, testing, evaluation, and maintenance.

Program (room S10)

  900– 915 Welcome & Agenda

  915–1030 Regular talk
Domain Specific Language Architecture for Automation Systems: An Industrial Case Study (Christopher Preschern, Andrea Leitner, Christian Kreiner)

Domain-specific front-end for virtual system modeling (Janne Vatjus-Anttila, Jari Kreku, Kari Tiensyrjä)

1030–1100 Coffee break

1100–1230 Regular talks
A Comparison of Ecore and GOPPRR through an Information System Meta Modeling Approach (Vladimir Dimitrieski, Milan Celikovic, Vladimir Ivancevic, Ivan Lukovic)

SeMFIS: A Tool for Managing Semantic Aspects of Conceptual Models about Information Systems (Hans-Georg Fill)

Towards collaboration between sighted and visually impaired developers in the context of Model-Driven Engineering (Filipe Del Nero Grillo, Renata Fortes, Daniel Lucrédio)

1230–1330 Lunch break

1330 – 1430 Group work

1430–1500 Coffee break

1430 – 1615 Group work (cntd.)

1615–1700 Group work reporting, wrap-up and closing