Copenhagen Jazz Festival  
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Programme (overview)
 Monday, July 2 (overview)
 Tuesday, July 3 (overview)

Programme (tutorials)
 Tutorial 1 (Monday morning)
 Tutorial 2 (Monday afternoon)

Programme (main conference)

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First Workshop on MDE for and in the Cloud (CloudMDE)

Monday, July 2, 900–1700, S4
organised by Richard Paige (University of York, UK), Jordi Cabot, Marco Brambilla, Marsha Chechik, Parastoo Mohagheghi

Cloud computing is a computational model in which applications, data, and IT resources are provided as services to users over the Internet. Cloud computing and MDE are enormously promising in terms of providing scalable and elastic infrastructure for applications, and automating tedious or error prone parts of systems engineering. We aim to bring together researchers and practitioners working in MDE or cloud computing. We aim to identify opportunities for using MDE to support the development of cloud-based applications (MDE for the cloud), as well as opportunities for using cloud infrastructure to enable MDE in new and novel ways (MDE in the cloud). We also are interested in novel results of adoption of MDE in cloud-related domains, as well as experience reports that provide insight into early adoption of MDE for build¬ing cloud-based applications, or in terms of deploying MDE tools and infrastruct¬ure on ‘the cloud’.

Program (room S4)

  900–915 Welcome & Agenda

  915–1030 Keynote talk
Ali Babar, IT University of Copenhagen

1030–1100 Coffee break

1100–1230 Regular talks
Transforming Very Large Models in the Cloud: a Research Roadmap (Cauę Clasen, Marcos Didonet Del Fabro, Massimo Tisi)

Towards a Common Modelling Platform for the Migration to the Cloud (Alek Radjenovic, Richard Paige)

1230–1330 Lunch break

1330 – 1430 Regular talks
Towards CloudML, a Model-based Approach to Provision Resources in the Clouds (Eirik Brandtzćg, Sebastien Mosser, Parastoo Mohagheghi)

Template-based Model Translators for Mapping Data Models to NoSQL Databases (Tamás Vajk, László Deák, Gergely Mezei, Tihamer Levendovszky)

1430–1500 Coffee break

1500–1600 Regular talks
Cloud Computing Workload and Capacity Management Using Domain Specific Modelling (Rafidah Pakir, D. Kolovos, R. Paige)

Model-Driven Cloud Data Storage (Juan Castrejón, Genoveva Vargas Solar, Christine Collet, Rafael Lozano)

1600–1700 Discussion and wrap-up