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Submission instructions


Last updated: 3 July 2012


Update: Due to popular demand, the submission deadline has been extended until 5 July!


Please send all paper submissions to the following email address: miccaibrats2012 AT


Teams wishing to participate in the challenge on 1 October 2012 should should submit a short paper describing their segmentation method, as well as the results obtained on the training data before 3 July 2012. Teams accepted to the on-site challenge will be then notified by the organizers before 6 July 2012.


Each teams' paper should be formatted in the LNCS style, and be at least 2-4 pages long. It should describe the method used, indicate whether or not human interaction is required, and include an estimate of the running time for a single patient (note that slow methods can also participate in the on-site challenge - see the FAQ for details). In addition, the paper should also include a table summarizing the segmentation performance on the training data, obtained using the online evaluation tool provided by the organizers. Since the reference segmentations of the training cases are made publicly available, it is the authors' own responsibility to design a cross-validation experiment (i.e., to test their method on other cases than the ones used to tweak and tune algorithmic settings), and to describe their experiments and results accordingly. The final ranking of the competing algorithms will be based only on their performance on the independent set of test scans that will be made available on-site!


Please see the FAQ for additional details.

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