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Large signal analysis of MOS differential pairs

In this section, an expression for the current tex2html_wrap_inline4302 in terms of the voltage difference tex2html_wrap_inline4298 is deduced. Referring to Figure 5.1 and assuming that both transistors operate in saturation, Equation (3.2) results in
tex2html_wrap_inline4306 denotes the current factor common to the transistors, and VS is the potential of the common source node. The first step in the analysis is to solve Equations (5.1-5.2) with respect to VS. Addition of these equations gives
Note that in the solution of the equation of the second degree (5.3), only the negative solution for VS+VT is relevant. The positive solution corresponds to transistors operating in the cut-off region. tex2html_wrap_inline4302 is determined by subtracting Equation (5.2) from Equation (5.1), and inserting Equation (5.4):
This expression holds provided both transistors conduct current and operate in saturation. Imagine, that the loads of the stage assure, that the transistors remain saturated. When e.g. VGS2=VT, the stage will `cut'. In this case, the current 2I is drawn through M1, and VGS1 is
tex2html_wrap_inline4324 is defined as the maximum input voltage, for which Equation (5.5) still holds. Note that tex2html_wrap_inline4324 is tex2html_wrap_inline4328 times the quiescent effective gate voltage, VGS-VT, common to the transistors at the operating point (i.e. when tex2html_wrap_inline4332). Expression (5.5) for tex2html_wrap_inline4302 may be rewritten as
At the operating point (tex2html_wrap_inline4332), the transconductance of the differential pair, GM0, is determined by differentiation of Equation (5.7) with respect to tex2html_wrap_inline4298:
In these formulas, VGS denotes the common gate-source voltage of the transistors at the operating point, and gm denotes the transistor transconductance.

Figure 5.2 shows the output current for a maximum input voltage tex2html_wrap_inline4324 of 1Vgif. The transistor current factors tex2html_wrap_inline4306 are 100tex2html_wrap_inline3832. From Equation (5.6), tex2html_wrap_inline4354.

Figure 5.2: MOS differential pair output current tex2html_wrap_inline4302 as a function of input voltage tex2html_wrap_inline4298.

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Flemming Stassen (Lektor)
Wed Jan 21 13:35:14 MET 1998