The final program is available as pdf here
The summer school will contain lectures and exercises mainly covered by the two invited speakers. Local speakers will provide examples of registration methods in their research and relate the topic to the research at DIKU and DTU Informatics. In addition to the scientific program there will be social activities including outdoor events.
The workshop will be on May 15th from 13 to 15 at DTU Informatics, building 305, room 053 (in the basement). (see map here). The workshop is mandatory for internal participants, and recommended for external participants.
Speakers: Professor Rasmus Larsen , DTU-Informatics and Professor Mads Nielsen, DIKU.
13:00 Welcome
13:05 Introduction to the registration problem, slides
13:30 Parametrization using B-splines, slides and Matlab examples
14:15 Regularization, slides
15:00 Practical information on the summer school
15:10 Coffee, fruit, and cake