Demos, Tutorials, and Special Sessions
Demos, Tutorials, and Special Sessions
NOCS 2012
Call for Demos, Tutorial, and Special Sessions
Sixth ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip
May 9-11, 2012
Copenhagen, Denmark
Researchers from both academia and industry are invited to submit proposals for Demo sessions, tutorials and special sessions (including panels) for the NOCS 2012 conference, to be held 9-11 May in Copenhagen, Denmark. See below for each specific call.
Proposals must be sent via e-mail (in either pdf or plain ascii text form) to the Demos/Tutorial/Special Session chairs. At the top of the proposal, clearly indicate whether the proposal is for a demo, a tutorial, or a special session.
Please send electronic submissions to the chairs:
‣Jose Flich,
‣Davide Bertozzi,
Important dates:
Demonstration/Tutorial/Special session proposals due: Jan 20th 2012
Acceptance notification: Feb 10th 2012
In general terms, demonstration/tutorial/special session proposals will be evaluated in terms of their technical/scientific contribution. Sessions strengthening and/or extending the program will be prioritized. The Demo/Tutorial/Special session chairs reserve the right to refuse proposals in cased of logistic constraints.
The purpose of the demo session is to exhibit the latest results from both academic research and industrial companies. A complete conference session will be devoted to demonstrations and exhibits. The conference chairs encourage CAD tool, circuit and integrated system demonstrations, and FPGA prototyping of their latest developments in the domain of Network-on-Chip architectures. In order to better share the demo experience with the conference participants, demo posters and demo booklets are welcome.
The evaluation of the demo proposal will take into account its general interest for NOCS attendees, the quality of the demonstration and the significant advances of the demonstrated results.
The demo proposal should include:
‣Title of the demonstration
‣Content of the demonstration : e.g. CAD tools, circuit exhibition or FPGA board exhibition
‣Any special demo requirements (Electrical appliance, scope, …)
‣Contact information for the presenter(s) (name, email address, affiliation)
NOCS conference will:
‣Provide a demonstration table, a panel to attach the demo poster, and electrical plug
‣Offer a Best Demonstration award, recognizing the best demonstration given during the conference.
Special Sessions (including panels):
The aim of the special sessions is to provide a complementary flavor to the regular sessions and should include hot topics of interest to the NoC community that may also go beyond disciplines traditionally represented at NOCS. The special sessions may consist of either a thematic session containing individual presentations or a panel. The special session proposal should include:
‣Title of the special session
‣Rationale of the need for the special session at NOCS. The rationale should stress the novelty of the topic and /or its multidisciplinary flavor, and must explain how it is different from the subjects covered by the regular sessions
‣Short biography of the organizers
‣List of three (3) contributed presentations (including titles, presenters, contact information of the corresponding presenter, and an abstract of each contribution).
‣For panel proposals, list three to five panelists and their area of expertise.
Proposals will be evaluated based on the scientific relevance and the timeliness of the topic, the qualifications of the organizers and the presenters of the session. Participants of each accepted special session will have the opportunity of submitting an extended abstract on their presentation.
The purpose of tutorials is to educate attendees about specific topics or to provide the background necessary to understand technical advances in relevant areas. The tutorial should be appealing to a wide audience with interests in NOC research. Possible topics of interest include, but are not limited to, a wide variety of NOC related areas from multicore programming and computer architecture to circuit-level design and emerging architectures based on 3D integration, optical interconnects and on-chip RF/wireless communications.
The tutorial proposal should include:
‣Title of the tutorial
‣Contact information for the presenter(s) (name, email address, affiliation)
‣Duration (half day or full day),
‣Keywords and scope of the tutorial,
‣Description of the potential target audience for the tutorial,
‣A detailed outline of the tutorial,
‣A short biography of the presenter(s)
If the tutorial has already previously been held, then the proposers need to provide location/conference date and number of attendees.
Proposals should be sent via e-mail (in either pdf or plain ascii text form) to the tutorial chairs (see at the bottom). The evaluation of the proposal will take into account its general interest for NOCS attendees, the quality of the proposal and the expertise of the presenters.
Tutorial organization
‣Speakers are required to provide tutorial material to the chairs one month prior to the conference.
‣The NOCS conference will reproduce the tutorial material to be provided to the attendees.
‣The NOCS conference committee reserves the right to cancel any tutorial if too few attendees are registered for a given tutorial.