Detecting network intrusions |
| Abstract | To begin with, the thesis referred to general IDS, mainly open-source programs. By reviewing the newest articles in the field of IDS, we wanted to give a state of the art overview, where we showed the different techniques IDS use, how the patterns are represented and detected. Besides that we wanted to select an unspecified number of IDS programs, and investigate for its limitations, pros and cons, and lastly having a look at how they complemented each other. After some iterations it showed, that is was not possible, so the thesis had to follow a new direction. The new direction would contain; a state of the art overview, where we show the different techniques (IDS) use, how the patterns are represented and detected. Lastly we would give a best practice regarding testing of IDS. The things which are outside the scope of this thesis, are for instance use of other environments such as neural network, wireless network and cloud computing. | Type | Master's thesis [Academic thesis] | Year | 2014 | Publisher | Technical University of Denmark, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science | Address | Matematiktorvet, Building 303B, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, | Series | DTU Compute M.Sc.-2014 | Note | DTU supervisor: Christian Probst,, DTU Compute | Electronic version(s) | [pdf] | Publication link | | BibTeX data | [bibtex] | IMM Group(s) | Computer Science & Engineering |