@MASTERSTHESIS\{IMM2014-06727, author = "M. N. Petersen", title = "Detecting network intrusions", year = "2014", school = "Technical University of Denmark, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science", address = "Matematiktorvet, Building 303B, {DK-}2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, compute@compute.dtu.dk", type = "", note = "{DTU} supervisor: Christian Probst, cwpr@dtu.dk, {DTU} Compute", url = "http://www.compute.dtu.dk/English.aspx", abstract = "To begin with, the thesis referred to general {IDS,} mainly open-source programs. By reviewing the newest articles in the field of {IDS,} we wanted to give a state of the art overview, where we showed the different techniques {IDS} use, how the patterns are represented and detected. Besides that we wanted to select an unspecified number of {IDS} programs, and investigate for its limitations, pros and cons, and lastly having a look at how they complemented each other. After some iterations it showed, that is was not possible, so the thesis had to follow a new direction. The new direction would contain; a state of the art overview, where we show the different techniques (IDS) use, how the patterns are represented and detected. Lastly we would give a best practice regarding testing of {IDS}. The things which are outside the scope of this thesis, are for instance use of other environments such as neural network, wireless network and cloud computing." }