PSM - Population Stochastic Modelling


Installation in R from CRAN (for Windows, Mac, Linux etc.)

If you use Windows or Mac it is important to install the latest version of R. If you use an older version of R then R will also install correspondingly old versions of the packages. The PSM-package is dependent on three other packages which will be installed automatically when installing PSM. The installation can be performed within R by typing:

> install.packages("PSM")

New version 0.8-5

To update your version of PSM simply write install.packages("PSM") which will install the most recent version from CRAN. You can find your current version of PSM by writing packageDescription("PSM") in R.

The new version will be available from 25 May 2009.

Verify installation

To load the package within R after the installation type:

When the package is correctly installed and loaded the command help(PSM) will open the help files and the command vignette("PSM") will open the package vignette.


CRAN version history

0.8-5 21-May-2009 Corrected bug in simulation.
0.8-4 24-Feb-2009 Added new optimization option 'ucminf' and corrected bug for negative parameter values.
0.8-3 18-Sep-2008 Added possibility for plot of input data in PSM.plot.
0.8-2 15-Sep-2008 Added PSM.plot, corrected bug in PSM.simulate for multivariate response, plus a number of minor changes in the package vignette and help files.
0.8-1 17-Jun-2008 Correction in PSM.template
0.8 10-Jun-2008 Correct build of vignettes on windows
0.7 10-Jun-2008 First submission to CRAN

Visit the PSM page at CRAN (The Comprehensive R Archive Network).