Ph.D. School in

Optimization in Computer Vision

Copenhagen, May 19th to 23rd 2008

The program for the course is as follows:

Ca. Times Monday, 19th Tuesday, 20th Wednesday, 21st Thursday, 22nd Friday, 23rd
9.00-12.00 9.00-9.30 1. Intro to the course. 5. Quasi-Convex Optimization in Computer Vision (Hartley) 9.00-10.30 8. Pseudo-Boolean Optimization I (Hartley) 9.00-10.30 10. Pseudo Boolean Optimization II (Hartley) 9.00-10.30 13.Quasi-Convexity and Global Optimization over SO(3) (Hartley)
9.30-12.00 2. Convex Optimization (Vandenberghe) 6. 10.30-12.00 Branch & Bound for vision applications (Kahl) Possibility for participants to present own work, on a poster. 11. Intro to Robust Statistics (Aanęs) 10.30-12 .00 14. Quasi-Convexity: Fast algorithms and Outliers (Kahl)
12.00-13.30 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
13.30-15.00 3. Intro to Quasi Newton Methods (Hartley). 7. Exercises related to 3-5. 9. Graph cuts and Markov Random Fields (Torr) 12. Exercises related to 8-11. 15. Exercises related to 13-14.
15.00-17.00 4. Exercise

Ph.D. School in Optimization in Computer Vision, Richard Petersens Plads, DTU - Bygning 321, DK-2800 Lyngby