Call for PapersPDF is available here The International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering (ISVD) is the premier conference on Voronoi diagrams and their applications to many different scientific and engineering disciplines to solve real-world problems. Authors are invited to submit papers (up to 10 pages) describing original research related to the following topics: Authors are also invited to submit papers (up to 10 pages) describing original research in bioinformatics related to Voronoi diagrams, Delaunay graphs or more generally computational geometry and topology. These papers will be presented at a special session on bioinformatics, which will be held the full day of June 25th, that will be chaired by Associate Professor Thomas Hamelryck, who is the group leader of the Structural Bioinformatics research group in the Bioinformatics Center of the University of Copenhagen. Authors are also invited to submit Voronoi art posters (up to A0 format) or videos exhibiting nice applications of Voronoi diagrams to be presented on June 26th as a special Voronoi art exhibition. All submitted papers will be referred for quality, originality and relevance by the International Programme Committee (scientific committee). All submissions will be done online using the EasyChair conference system. A link will be available from the symposium web page. All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the symposium (with ISBN), to be published by the Conference Publishing Services (CPS). They will be available at a later date than the date of the symposium. Abstracts of the accepted and invited contributions will be available at the Symposium. All papers will be available online. Selected papers (up to 10) will be published in a special issue of the Springer journal "LNCS Transactions on Computational Science". |