CIFQ Center for Imaging Food Quality




    Chapter 11 in Terms & Conditions for Grants from The Danish Council for Strategic Research states that:

    It is the express wish of the granting body that the funded research should be readily accessible to the public domain. In any form of publicity in connection with the grant and in any dealings with the press, the grant holder must state who awarded the grant.

    The following acknowledgement must be used:

    "This work was (in part) financed by the Centre for Imaging Food Quality project which is funded by the Danish Council for Strategic Research (contract no 09-067039) within the Programme Commission on Health, Food and Welfare."

    The acknowledgement must be used in publications where

  • one or more co-writers is being paid by the CIFQ project, or
  • data produced in connection with the CIFQ collaboration are used, or
  • if the publication is within the field of the CIFQ project

Publication procedure

    All publications in connection with the CIFQ project must be accepted by the other parties before publishing.

    The publication must be send to Ulla Jensen, who will distribute the publication to the steering committee by e-mail. The parties then have 30 days to make objections. If no objections have been received by reply e-mail to Ulla Jensen the publication is accepted for publication by the parties.
    Note that if the parties have objections the publication might be postponed for up to fours months.

    Publications are e.g. articles, conference papers, presentations, and PhD thesis.

    It is possible to make an agreement with the involved parties on a specific dataset about the use of this particular dataset. The publication must still follow the procedure above.

    If the participants of the CIFQ project produce articles not related to the CIFQ project, these will not undergo the procedure above.

Center for Imaging Food Quality
Project manager: Rasmus Larsen
Webmaster: Ulla Jensen