
Quick Start

The best way to learn to use a new program is to be able to try it out. So a quick way to get started is to download and install the command line utility MRFSurface. Secondly, download some sample data. For example a 3dMD facescan. This is a near-raw output from a clinical 3D scanner. Now create a .bat file in the data directory or execute the following command:

"C:\program files\MRFSurface\MRFSurface.exe" -t 1 -i facescan.txt -o facescan_MRF.vtk

After some minutes, this should create an output file (facescan_MRF.vtk) with a surface. The program can also read and write STL and PLY files (not all PLY files can be read though - blame the VTK PLY reader).

Now use your favourite 3D viewer to inspect the surface. Alternatively, you can install Sumatra and use it to view and manipulate the surfaces.

The next step is to try with your own data. Check the input format section. Initially, the default parameters can be used and later adapted to your data. By far the most important issue is how point normals can be estimated from the input data. It is actually quite rare, that no normal information exists. Nearly all capture devices can provide some kind of estimate of a point normal.

Point Normals

It is crucial to have consistent point normals over the data set. The toolkit provides some methods to do this. A PCA based methods can create local estimates of point normals. The PCA methods will also remove points considered noise. However, two neighbouring normals can point in opposite directions due to the nature of the PCA. Therefore a graph based method that divides the point set into connected components is also supplied. In each component the normals are forced to have consistent directions. However, there are still cases where two separate components in a global sense do not agree on what is inside and what is outside. It is therefore possible to use approximate normals (for example from a scanner) in a voting scheme in the connected component algorithm.

It is possible to supply a camera position (using the -v argument). The algorithm will then compute normals pointing from each point toward the camera. This can be useful for testing simple prototype scanners (with two cameras, a camera and a projector etc). If you have two cameras and use stereo-reconstruction, try to supply the average position of the two cameras (see the Skull example).

Pre-defined Input Types

To make it easier to use the program some pre-defined template types have been defined. They can be specified using the t option.

Type Description
0: Points x,y,z points with no normals
1: Points with approximate normals Normals estimated roughly by an acquisition device
2: Points with good normals Points can be noise/outliers but still have good normal estimates
3: Mesh Mesh with connectivity but no normals
4: Mesh with approximate normals Mesh with connectivity and rough estimates of normal directions
5: Mesh with good normalsMesh Mesh with connectivity and well defined normals

As previuosly described, there are a set of methods to reestimate normals and remove noise. They are:

ID Description
M1 Estimates normals using local PCA. Removes outliers and noise points
M2 Connected component analysis. Finds connected groups of good points. Can remove small components, keep the largest component, or keep them all. Create consistent normal directions within the separate components. Can not create consistence between components.
M3 Connected component analysis using reference normals. Finds connected groups of good points. Can remove small components, keep the largest component, or keep them all. Create consistent normal directions within the separate components. Can not create consistence between components. Uses reference normals to vote for the overall component direction
M4 Create mesh normals using the standard VTK mesh normal generator (vtkPolyDataNormals)
Based on the supplied input type some default behaviours are defined:
Type Example Processing
0-m1, m2
1Many range scannersm1, m3
2-(m1), (m3)
3Stanford modelsm4, (m1), (m3)
4-(m1), m3
5Many 3D models(m1), (m3)
Most behaviours can be overridden using the command line arguments. A method in paranthesis means that it is not on by default. Using the combined m1 and m3 can results in large parts of the input points being cropped away.

Input and Output Formats

The program can read data in the following formats:

VTK Visualization Toolkit polydata
STL Stereolithography files
PLY Stanford Triangle Format (not all though, vtkPLYReader is to blame)
TXT Raw 3dMD scanner output
CSV Comma seperated values (x,y,z), (x,y,z,scalar), (x,y,z,nx,ny,nz), or (x,y,z,nx,ny,nz,scalar)
DAT Space seperated values (x y z), (x y z scalar), (x y z nx ny nz), or (x y z nx ny nz scalar)
The program can output data in VTK, STL, or PLY format. The format is automatically determined from the filename extensions.


Command line options for the MRFSurface algorithm. Check the examples section to see how they are used in practise. An overview can also be obtained by: "C:\program files\MRFSurface\MRFSurface.exe" --help

Argument Type Description
-a on/off Pure surface reconstruction (off) or alignment and reconstruction (on) (default off).
-i string (required) input filename. If the software is used to align multiple surface, the input file is a txt file containing the surface names.
-o string (required) output filename
-t int input type (0-5) (default 1)
-p int Prior energy type (0 = Laplacian, 1 = Membrane) (default 0)
-b double Beta - Amount of smoothing (0 max smooth - 1 min smooth) (default 0.9)
-s int Maximum volume size in voxels (default 10000000)
-v string Filename of txt file containing view camera - for normal estimation
-n int Estimate normals and remove noise (0,1) (default based on the input type)
-c int Connected Component Analysis (0,1) (default based on the input type)
-l on/off Keep only largest connected component (default off)
-d on/off Output the data with estimated normals (default off)
-f on/off Output the full (uncropped) surface (default off)
-g on/off Use agressive cropping. If enabled, the parts of the surface that is not supported by input points will be cropped aways. This should be used if the interpolation fails (default off).
-m int Max number of points to use. The algorithm randomly samples the requested number of points before alignment or reconstruction. (Default is -1 meaning all points are used)
-N int Points per normal in normal estimation (Default is -1 meaning that an adaptive neighbourhood size is used, based on input data sampling density)
-D int Points used per distance estimate in a voxel (Default 5)
-x double Triangle size factor (< 1 fewer and larger triangles, 1 > more and smaller triangles) (default 1 meaning that triangles are approximately same size as the voxel side length)

Other Things

The algorithm starts by estimating the nearest neighbour distance. For each point the distance to the nearest neighbour is calculated and the used distance is the median value of these distances. This value is used in several steps of the algorithm. For example for noise removal and connected component analysis. The most visible influence of the estimated distance is the triangle side-length of the output mesh that should be rather close to this distance.

The algorithm is not designed with sharp edges in mind. It is therefore best suited for organic objects and less suited for scans of human made objects. A sharp edge will typically be smoothed and the amount of smoothing depends on the voxel size in the last step of the multi-scale solution. Input sample spacing and maximum number of voxels influence the voxel size and therefore the ability to reconstruct sharp edges.