GEL  2
GEL is a library for Geometry and Linear Algebra
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HMesh Namespace Reference

The HMesh namespace contains the Manifold class which is a halfedge based mesh. More...


class  AttributeVector
class  VertexAttributeVector
class  FaceAttributeVector
class  HalfEdgeAttributeVector
struct  IDRemap
struct  Vertex
struct  Face
struct  HalfEdge
class  ConnectivityKernel
class  HalfEdgeWalker
struct  VertexTag
struct  FaceTag
struct  HalfEdgeTag
class  ItemID
class  ItemVector
class  IDIterator
class  Manifold
class  ValencyEnergy
class  RandomEnergy
class  GaussCurvatureEnergy
struct  PQElem
class  EnergyFun
 This class represents the energy of an edge. It is used in optimization schemes where edges are swapped (aka flipped). */. More...
class  MinAngleEnergy
class  DihedralEnergy
class  CurvatureEnergy
struct  PotentialEdge


typedef std::map< VertexID,
typedef std::map< FaceID, FaceIDFaceIDRemap
typedef std::map< HalfEdgeID,
typedef ItemID< VertexTagVertexID
typedef ItemID< FaceTagFaceID
typedef ItemID< HalfEdgeTagHalfEdgeID
typedef IDIterator< VertexIDVertexIDIterator
typedef IDIterator< FaceIDFaceIDIterator
typedef IDIterator< HalfEdgeIDHalfEdgeIDIterator
typedef std::priority_queue
< PotentialEdge, std::vector
< PotentialEdge >
, std::greater< PotentialEdge > > 




void remove_caps (Manifold &m, float thresh)
 Remove caps from a manifold consisting of only triangles. A cap is a triangle with two very small angles and an angle close to pi, however a cap does not necessarily have a very short edge. Set the ang_thresh to a value close to pi. The closer to pi the _less_ sensitive the cap removal. A cap is removed by flipping the (long) edge E opposite to the vertex V with the angle close to pi. However, the function is more complex. Read code and document more carefully !!!
void remove_needles (Manifold &m, float thresh)
 Remove needles from a manifold consisting of only triangles. A needle is a triangle with a single very short edge. It is moved by collapsing the short edge. The thresh parameter sets the length threshold. The position of the vertex which survives the collapse is set to one of the two end points. Selection is based on what changes the geometry least.
void close_holes (Manifold &m)
 This function replaces holes by faces. It is really a simple function that just finds all loops of edges next to missing faces.
void flatten (Manifold &m, WeightScheme ws)
 This function flattens a mesh with a simple boundary, based on a weight scheme.It is mostly for showing mesh parametrization methods. The current mesh MUST have a SINGLE boundary loop. This loop is mapped to the unit circle in a regular fashion (equal angle intervals). All non boundary vertices are placed at the origin. Then the system is relaxed iteratively using the weight scheme given as argument.
bool inp_load (const std::string &, Manifold &m)
 Load an INP file.
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ItemID< T > &iid)
bool load (const string &file_name, Manifold &mani)
bool load (const std::string &, Manifold &m)
 Load a geometry file. This could be a PLY, OBJ, X3D, or OFF file.
bool valid (const Manifold &m)
 Verify Manifold Integrity Performs a series of tests to check that this is a valid manifold. This function is not rigorously constructed but seems to catch all problems so far. The function returns true if the mesh is valid and false otherwise.
void bbox (const Manifold &m, CGLA::Vec3f &pmin, CGLA::Vec3f &pmax)
 Calculate the bounding box of the manifold.
void bsphere (const Manifold &m, CGLA::Vec3f &c, float &r)
 Calculate the bounding sphere of the manifold.
bool precond_collapse_edge (const Manifold &m, HalfEdgeID h)
 Test for legal edge collapse. The argument h is the halfedge we want to collapse. If this function does not return true, it is illegal to collapse h. The reason is that the collapse would violate the manifold property of the mesh. The test is as follows: 1. For the two vertices adjacent to the edge, we generate a list of all their neighbouring vertices. We then generate a list of the vertices that occur in both these lists. That is, we find all vertices connected by edges to both endpoints of the edge and store these in a list. 2. For both faces incident on the edge, check whether they are triangular. If this is the case, the face will be removed, and it is ok that the the third vertex is connected to both endpoints. Thus the third vertex in such a face is removed from the list generated in 1. 3. If the list is now empty, all is well. Otherwise, there would be a vertex in the new mesh with two edges connecting it to the same vertex. Return false. 4. TETRAHEDRON TEST: If the valency of both vertices is three, and the incident faces are triangles, we also disallow the operation. Reason: A vertex valency of two and two triangles incident on the adjacent vertices makes the construction collapse. 5. VALENCY 4 TEST: If a triangle is adjacent to the edge being collapsed, it disappears. This means the valency of the remaining edge vertex is decreased by one. A valency two vertex reduced to a valency one vertex is considered illegal. 6. PREVENT MERGING HOLES: Collapsing an edge with boundary endpoints and valid faces results in the creation where two holes meet. A non manifold situation. We could relax this... 7. New test: if the same face is in the one-ring of both vertices but not adjacent to the common edge, then the result of a collapse would be a one ring where the same face occurs twice. This is disallowed as the resulting face would be non-simple.
bool precond_flip_edge (const Manifold &m, HalfEdgeID h)
 Test fpr legal edge flip. Returns false if flipping cannot be performed. This is due to one of following: 1. one of the two adjacent faces is not a triangle. 2. Either end point has valency three. 3. The vertices that will be connected already are.
bool boundary (const Manifold &m, HalfEdgeID h)
 Returns true if the halfedge is a boundary halfedge.
int valency (const Manifold &m, VertexID v)
 Compute valency, i.e. number of incident edges.
CGLA::Vec3f normal (const Manifold &m, VertexID v)
 Compute the vertex normal. This function computes the angle weighted sum of incident face normals.
bool connected (const Manifold &m, VertexID v0, VertexID v1)
 Returns true if the two argument vertices are in each other's one-rings.
int no_edges (const Manifold &m, FaceID f)
 Compute the number of edges of a face.
float area (const Manifold &m, FaceID f)
 Compute the area of a face.
CGLA::Vec3f centre (const Manifold &m, FaceID f)
 Compute the centre of a face.
float perimeter (const Manifold &m, FaceID f)
 Compute the perimeter of a face.
float length (const Manifold &m, HalfEdgeID h)
 Return the geometric length of a halfedge.
bool operator< (const PQElem &e0, const PQElem &e1)
void add_to_queue (const Manifold &m, HalfEdgeAttributeVector< int > &touched, priority_queue< PQElem > &Q, HalfEdgeID h, const EnergyFun &efun)
void add_one_ring_to_queue (const Manifold &m, HalfEdgeAttributeVector< int > &touched, priority_queue< PQElem > &Q, VertexID v, const EnergyFun &efun)
void priority_queue_optimization (Manifold &m, const EnergyFun &efun)
 Optimize in a greedy fashion.
void simulated_annealing_optimization (Manifold &m, const EnergyFun &efun, int max_iter=10000)
 Optimize with simulated annealing. Avoids getting trapped in local minima.
void minimize_dihedral_angle (Manifold &m, int max_iter=10000, bool anneal=false, bool alpha=false, double gamma=4.0)
 Minimize the angle between adjacent triangles. Almost the same as mean curvature minimization.
void randomize_mesh (Manifold &m, int max_iter)
 Make radom flips. Useful for generating synthetic test cases.
void minimize_curvature (Manifold &m, bool anneal=false)
 Minimizes mean curvature. This is really the same as dihedral angle optimization except that we weight by edge length.
void minimize_gauss_curvature (Manifold &m, bool anneal=false)
 Minimizes gaussian curvature. Probably less useful than mean curvature.
void maximize_min_angle (Manifold &m, float thresh, bool anneal=false)
 Maximizes the minimum angle of triangles. Makes the mesh more Delaunay.
void optimize_valency (Manifold &m, bool anneal=false)
 Tries to achieve valence 6 internally and 4 along edges.
bool obj_load (const string &filename, Manifold &m)
bool obj_load (const std::string &, Manifold &m)
bool obj_save (const string &filename, Manifold &m)
bool obj_save (const std::string &, Manifold &m)
 Save in Wavefront OBJ format.
bool off_load (const std::string &, Manifold &m)
 Load an OFF file (Object File Format). So far, this loader is mostly ensured to load files from the Princeton Shape Benchmark.
bool off_save (const string &filename, Manifold &m)
bool off_save (const std::string &, HMesh::Manifold &m)
bool ply_load (const string &filename, Manifold &m)
bool ply_load (const std::string &, Manifold &m)
void quadric_simplify (Manifold &m, double keep_fraction, double singular_thresh=0.0001, bool choose_optimal_positions=true)
 Garland Heckbert simplification in our own implementation. keep_fraction is the fraction of vertices to retain. The singular_thresh defines how small singular values from the SVD we accept. It is relative to the greatest singular value. If choose_optimal_positions is true, we reposition vertices. Otherwise the vertices are a subset of the old vertices.
float average_edge_length (const Manifold &m)
 Return the average edge length.
int refine_edges (Manifold &m, float t)
Vec3f laplacian (const Manifold &m, VertexID v)
void laplacian_smooth (HMesh::Manifold &m, float t=1.0f)
 Simple laplacian smoothing with an optional weight.
void taubin_smooth (HMesh::Manifold &m, int iter)
 Taubin smoothing is similar to laplacian smoothing but reduces shrinkage.
void face_neighbourhood (Manifold &m, FaceAttributeVector< int > &touched, FaceID f, vector< Vec3f > &nbrs)
Vec3f filtered_normal (Manifold &m, FaceAttributeVector< int > &touched, FaceID f)
void fvm_smooth (HMesh::Manifold &m, int iter)
 Fuzzy vector median smoothing is effective when it comes to preserving sharp edges.
void cc_split (Manifold &m_in, Manifold &m_out)
void cc_smooth (Manifold &m)
void get_candidates (const Manifold &m, VertexID v, vector< HalfEdgeID > &candidates)
float curv (const Vec3f &p, vector< Vec3f > &vec)
float get_badness (const Manifold &m, VertexID v, VertexID n)
const CGLA::Vec3f get_normal (const Manifold &m, VertexID v)
void triangulate_by_vertex_face_split (Manifold &m)
 Naive triangulation by connecting to center point.
void triangulate_by_edge_face_split (Manifold &m)
 Naive division of polygons into triangles.
bool operator> (const PotentialEdge &e0, const PotentialEdge &e1)
void insert_potential_edges (const Manifold &m, VertexAttributeVector< int > &vtouched, VertexID v, PotentialEdgeQueue &pot_edges)
void curvature_triangulate (Manifold &m)
 Try to respect curvature to create a better triangulation.
void shortest_edge_triangulate (Manifold &m)
 Triangulate by connecting the points forming the shortest edge.
void triangulate_face_by_edge_split (Manifold &m, FaceID f)
 Triangulate a polygonal face by repeatedly calling split_face. split_face_triangulate iteratively splits triangles off a polygon. The first triangle split off is the one connecting f.last().vert() and f.last().next().next().vert().
void handle_Shape (XmlElement &elem)
void handle_IndexedFaceSet (XmlElement &elem)
void handle_Coordinate (XmlElement &elem)
int find_last_of (const string &F, const string &C)
bool x3d_load (const string &filename, Manifold &m)
bool x3d_load (const std::string &filename, Manifold &m)
 Load a mesh from an X3D file. It handles arbitrary polygons.
bool x3d_save (const std::string &, Manifold &m)
 Save mesh to x3d file.

Detailed Description

The HMesh namespace contains the Manifold class which is a halfedge based mesh.

Apart from manifold there are also face and vertex circulators in this namespace. More advanced things are relegated to the HMeshUtil namespace.

Some applications are also found here. For instance an isosurface polygonizer and Garland Heckbert simplification has been implemented on top of HMesh.

Function Documentation

bool HMesh::boundary ( const Manifold &  m,
VertexID  v 

Returns true if the halfedge is a boundary halfedge.

Returns true if the vertex is a boundary vertex.

void HMesh::cc_split ( Manifold &  ,
Manifold &   

Perform a Catmull-Clark split, i.e. a split where each face is divided into new quadrilateral faces formed by connecting a corner with a point on each incident edge and a point at the centre of the face.

CGLA::Vec3f HMesh::normal ( const Manifold &  m,
FaceID  f 

Compute the vertex normal. This function computes the angle weighted sum of incident face normals.

Compute the normal of a face. If the face is not a triangle, the normal is not defined, but computed using the first three vertices of the face.

bool HMesh::obj_load ( const std::string &  ,
Manifold &  m 

Load an Wavefront OBJ file. This is just a simple frontend for the Geometry::obj_load function which loads OBJ files into triangle meshes. Consequently, quads are unfortunately converted to triangles when this loader is used.

bool HMesh::off_save ( const std::string &  ,
HMesh::Manifold m 

Save in OFF format.

bool HMesh::ply_load ( const std::string &  ,
Manifold &  m 

Load an Wavefront OBJ file. This is just a simple frontend for the Geometry::obj_load function which loads OBJ files into triangle meshes. Consequently, quads are unfortunately converted to triangles when this loader is used.

int HMesh::refine_edges ( Manifold &  m,
float  t 

Split all edges in mesh passed as first argument which are longer than the threshold (second arg) length. A split edge results in a new vertex of valence two. We triangulate the faces on either side to ensure that there are no valence two vertices.

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