02202 Design and Synthesis of Embedded Systems


Prof. Jan Madsen
building 322, room 218
phone 4525 3751
Kashif Virk
building 322, room 222


Time: Wednesday 13:00-17:00
Location: Auditorium 11, building 308
Prerequisites: Background in programming, digital design, and computer architectures.
Textbooks: None - all readings will be research papers.
Grade: Based on presentations, participation and an assignment.


Students will read 2-3 papers a week and write short summaries of each paper. Students are expected to attend classes and actively participate in discussions. Each student is expected to present 1-2 papers during the semester, which they should study thoroughly and for which they might do additional study. Students will learn to program TinyOS, an embedded operating system for sensor nets, and will develop protocols and applications in this environment. Finally, students will undertake a significant research project, working in groups of 2-4 students. At the end of the term, students will present projects in class and prepare a written project report.

Grading will be based on a weighted combination of class participation, paper summaries, the final project presentation, and the project report.


Each lecture consist of the presentation of 3 selected papers followed by an introduction to the topic of the following lecture. Each paper is presented by a team (group of 2 students) and 3 other teams will take the role as opponents, i.e. preparing a few questions to stimulate the discussions along with a short written review.

Presentations are to be handed in at 16:00 on the day before presentation. Students are expected to do one presentation and a couple of opposing acts during the course.

Copyright © 2006. Design by Jan Madsen.