Copenhagen Jazz Festival  
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 Details and fees
 Registration form


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Registration and participation fees

Below, you will find the registration and participation fees for the different events of ECMFA 2012. Note that the fees mainly relate to the days, in which you particupate (Workshop day 1, Workshop day 2, Main Conference). And there are some extra fees: participation in tutorials (20 EUR each, which are on top of the daily rate), and extra ticket for conference dinner and social event for an accompanying partner (80EUR).

Note that the registration and the registration fees do not include any accommodation. EMCFA has some agreements on special rates with some hotels in the Copenhagen area for participants of ECMFA 2012. But, you need to book your rooms directly with the hotels (see here for details).

After you have checked the registration fees and conditions below, you can register online here. Please note that, the selection for workshops and tutorials show only after you selected to participate in the respective day (you need to activate scripts). The possible selections appear in the section "Please add your personal data", which has to with the way AMIANDO have set up their systems. For each workshop/tutorial day, you can select one workshop. You can select also a tutorial, each of which will give rise to an extra charge of 20EUR on top of the daily rate. Note that you can select a workshop, even if you select a tutorial, but you cannot select more than one workshop per day. See Workshops: Overview and Tutorials: Overview for more the available workshops and tutorials.

Student discounts

PhD students will get a 15% discount on all registration fees. Note that, in the registration system, this is handled by "promotion codes". PhD students can get such a personal promotion code, by sending an email with some documentation of their status of being a PhD student (e.g. a scanned Student ID) to Then, they will receive an email with their personal promotion code, which they can use during their registration for ECMFA. Please, make sure to ask for that promotion code well ahead of the early registration deadline (May 23).

Fees: Early registration (before May 23)

ECMFA parts (days)  
  Main Conference (July 4 & 5):

350 EUR

  Workshop day 1 (July 2):

80 EUR

  Workshop day 2 (July 3):

80 EUR

  Tutorials (per tutorial on top of daily rate):

20 EUR

  Conference dinner (extra ticket):

80 EUR

Fees: Late registration (from May 24)

ECMFA parts (days)  
  Main Conference (July 4 & 5):

420 EUR

  Workshop day 1 (July 2):

90 EUR

  Workshop day 2 (July 3):

90 EUR

  Tutorials (per tutorial on top of daily rate):

20 EUR

  Conference dinner (extra ticket):

80 EUR

Refunding policy

Cancellation of a registration must be made in writing to the conference organizers (see here). For cancellations received before May 23, 90% of the registration fee will be refunded (the remaining 10% cover about the administration fee of the conference registration company).

For cancellations received after May 24, no refunds will be made.


For citizens from some countries outside the European Union, Denmark requires a visa for entering Denmark. Please, make sure that you apply for a visa at the resp. embassies in your country well in advance.

For authors of accepted papers, the PC chairs (see committee page) can provide a confirmation letter, which might help obtaining the visa. Please, contact them as soon as possible, so that they can provide you with such a letter as soon as the paper is accepted.

For participants that are officially involved in some "ECMFA business" (steering and programme committee members, workshop and tutorial organizers, etc.) we can provide a letter confirming their role in ECMFA. Please, contac us as soon as possible, if you need such a letter.

For other participants, the registration confirmation should be submitted with the application for a visa. More than that, we cannot provide any support for applying for a visa.