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Call for tools and posters

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ECMFA 2012: Call for tools and posters

ECMFA 2012 will hold tool demonstration and poster sessions whose goals are to provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present their most recent experiences in the field of model-based engineering, show-case their tools and have informal discussions about both the latest advances and the challenges ahead.

How to submit

We encourage two types of submissions
  1. Tool papers limited to 4 pages, including all text, references and figures. Submissions should describe the show-cased tool and present a clear demonstration plan.
  2. Poster descriptions limited to 1 page abstract describing the proposed poster.

Submissions in both categories must conform to the LNCS paper style (see They must be submitted electronically as PDF files through the Easychair online submission system at in the respective category.

Evaluation Criteria

The main evaluation criteria include the relevance of the proposed tool demonstration or poster for the ECMFA audience, its originality, technical soundness and presentation quality.


Accepted submissions will be published in a dedicated technical report of DTU Informatics, probably together with the proceedings of the satellite events of ECMFA 2012.

At least one author of each accepted submission is expected to personally present their work at the ECMFA 2012 conference.

Dates and dealines
Submission deadline May 21, 2012
Notification of acceptance June 4, 2012
Camera ready version (abstract) June 11, 2012
Tool and poster demonstrations July 3-4, 2012
Tool presentations (as part of the conference) July 4, 2012

Track Chair

Julia Rubin, IBM Research, Israel