Kaj Madsen
Head of Department
DTU Informatics
Professor, dr. techn.
Tel.: +45 4525 3370
+45 4593 0360
Last modified
Monday, June 16, 2008
Doctor technices thesis
K. Madsen, Minimization of Non-linear Approximation Functions, Dr.Techn. thesis, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby (1986). 141 pages.
Journal papers
H. Ekblom, K. Madsen, Algorithms for Non-linear Huber Estimation, BIT 29 (1989), 60-76.
J.W. Bandler, S. Chen, S. Daijavad, K. Madsen, Efficient Optimization with Integrated Gradient Approximations, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech. MTT-36 (1988), 444-455.
J.W. Bandler, W. Kellermann, K. Madsen, A Non-linear L1 Optimization Algorithm for Design, Modeling and Diagnosis of Networks, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems CAS-34 (1987), 174-181.
J.W. Bandler, W. Kellermann, K. Madsen, A Superlinear Convergent Minimax Algorithm for Microwave Cirquit Design, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Tech. MTT-33 (12) (1985), 1519-1530.
J. Hald, K. Madsen, Combined LP and Quasi-Newton Methods for Non-Linear L1 Optimization, SIAM J.Num.Anal. 22 (1985), 68-80.
J. Hald, K. Madsen, Combined LP and Quasi-Newton Methods for Minimax Optimization, Mathematical Programming 20 (1981), 49-62.
O. Caprani, K. Madsen, L.B. Rall, Integration of Interval Functions, SIAM J. on Math.Anal. 12 (1981), 321-341.
O. Caprani, K. Madsen, Mean Value Forms in Interval Analysis, Computing 25 (1980), 147-154.
K. Madsen, H. Schjær-Jacobsen, Algorithms for Worst-case Tolerance Optimization, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-26 (1979), 775-783.
K. Madsen, H. Schjær-Jacobsen, Linearly Constrained Minimax Optimization, Mathematical Programming 14 (1978), 208-223.
O. Caprani, K. Madsen, Iterative Methods for Interval Inclusion of Fixed Points, BIT 18 (1978), 42-51.
K. Madsen, H. Schjær-Jacobsen, Singularities in Minimax Optimization of Networks, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-23 (1976), 456-460.
K. Madsen, H. Schjær-Jacobsen, Synthesis of Non-Uniformly Spaced Arrays using a General Non-Linear Minimax Optimization Method, IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, APP-24 (1976), 501-506.
K. Madsen, An Algorithm for Minimax Solution of Overdetermined Systems of Non-linear Equations, J. Inst. Math. Appl. 16 (1975), 321-328.
K. Madsen, Minimax Solution of Non-linear Equations Without Calculating Derivatives, Mathematical Programming Study 3 (1975), 110-126.
K. Madsen, H. Schjær-Jacobsen, J. Volby, Automated Minimax Design of Networks, IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems, CAS-22 (1975), 791-796.
K. Madsen, O. Nielsen, H. Schjær-Jacobsen, L. Thrane, Efficient Minimax Design of Networks Without Calculating Derivatives, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, MTT-23 (1975), 803-809.
O. Caprani, K. Madsen, Contraction Mappings in Interval Analysis, BIT 15 (1975), 362-366.
K. Madsen, On the Solution of Non-Linear Equations in Interval Arithmetic, BIT 13 (1973), 428-433.
K. Madsen, A Root-Finding Algorithm based on Newton's Method, BIT 13 (1973), 71-75.
Papers in refereed proceedings
K. Madsen, G. Li, Robust Non-linear Parameter Estimation. In Numerical Analysis 1987, D.F.Griffiths and G.A. Watson, eds., Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series 170, Longman, UK (1988). 176-191. (Invited keynote talk).
J.W. Bandler, S.H. Chen, K. Madsen, An Algorithm for One-Sided Optimization with Application to Circuit Design Centering. Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems, Helsingfors (1988), 1795-1798.
K. Madsen, General Algorithms for Discrete Non-linear Parameter Estimation. In Algorithms for Approximation, eds. Mason and Cox, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1987), 309-327. (Invited keynote talk).
K. Madsen, J.W. Bandler, S.H. Chen, S. Daijavad, Efficient Gradient Approximations for Non-linear Optimization of Circuits and Systems. Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems, San Jose, California (1986), 964-967.
K. Madsen, J.W. Bandler, W. Kellermann, A Superlinearly Convergent Minimax Algorithm for Microwave Circuit Design, IEEE International Microwave Symposium Digest, St. Louis, Mo., USA (1985), 721-724.
K. Madsen, J.W. Bandler, W. Kellermann, A Superlinearly Convergent Algorithm for Nonlinear Optimization with Circuit Applications. Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems, Kyoto, Japan (1985), 977-980.
K. Madsen, O. Caprani, Experiments with Interval Methods for Non-linear Systems, Freiburger Intervall-Berichte, Universitat Freiburg, 81/7 (1981), 1-13.
K. Madsen, O. Caprani, Interval Contractions for the Solution of Integral Equations. In Interval Mathematics, ed. Karl Nickel, Academic Press (1980), 281-290.
K. Madsen, H. Schjær-Jacobsen, Quasi-Newton Methods for Minimax Optimization, Proc. 1980 European conf. on Circuit Theory and Design, Warszawa, Poland (1980).
K. Madsen, H. Schjær-Jacobsen, Minimax Optimization using Quadratic Programming, Proc.IEEE Int.Conf.on.Circuits and Computers, New York, USA (1980), 1135-1137.
K. Madsen, O. Caprani, Interval Methods for Global Optimization. Proc. 10th Annual Symposium on Simulation and Control, University of Pittsburgh (1979), 589-593.
K. Madsen, J. Hald, Minimax Optimization using Quasi-Newton Methods. 9th IFIP conference on optimization Techniques. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 23, Springer-Verlag (1979), 69-77.
K. Madsen, J. Hald, A 2-stage Algorithm for Minimax Optimization. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 14, Springer-Verlag (1979), 225-239.
K. Madsen, H. Schjær-Jacobsen, Minimax Optimization Subject to Linear Constraints, GAMM-Tagung, Lyngby 1977 Zeitschr.fur Ang.Math.und Mech. 58 (1978), T489-T491.
K. Madsen, H. Schjær-Jacobsen, New algorithms for Worst-case Tolerance Optimization. Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Cirquits and Systems, New York (1978), 681-685.
K. Madsen, H. Schjær-Jacobsen, Minimax Optimization using the idea og Marquardt, Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Cirquits and Systems, München (1976), 775-778.
K. Madsen, H. Schjær-Jacobsen, Singularities in Minimax Optimization of Networks, Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Cirquits and Systems, München (1976), 94-97.