- Kari went to the USofA Sunday 12th of April:
- 13th-20th she stayed with Nikolaj's family, in Woodinville,
suburb of Seattle,
near Redmond where Nikolaj works at Microsoft
and Bothell where Bodil works at (coincidentally: Danish owned)
CMC biologics.
- 21st of April Kari flew Seattle - Minneapolis - Memphis -
Paducah, Kentucky.
- 22nd-24th she visited the yearly big American Quilter's Show in
the home city of AQS:
the American Quilting Society.
- 25th she flew back to Seattle and stayed there till May 3rd.
- Came home May 4th.
- Kari took this photo of Nikolaj's family: Katrine,
Nikolaj, Jakob, Marianne and Bodil.
- Dines went April 16-18 to Cambridge, England, to take part in
Sir Tony Hoare's 75 anniversary "fest".
Dines gave first talk
Thursday afternoon.
It was on Friday, at breakfast, that Prof. Alan
Bundy first invited Dines
to spend some time, it became 6 weeks, at
The University of Edinburgh.
- And Dines went, for the last time, to the spring meeting of
Academia Europaea's
(AE's) Council meeting, this year in Berlin.
- Dines has stepped down as chair of AE's Informatics Section -
after the 5 year duty period.
- Came Mon. morning 27 April, at hotel before lunch.
- Had time to stroll around Gendarmenmarkt,
- Had dinner Tuesday evening with Prof. Wolfgang Reisig.
We hope that Wolfgang, Soula, Kari and I may be able to spend
3-4 nights
at the Loutra Edipsou Spa sometime this winter:
14-17 Feb., it seems.
Visiting Thessalonik before & after.
- Gave a lecture Wedn. afternoon early at Humboldt Univ.
- Flew home Wedn. evening.
Dines Bjorner