Prof., Dr. Dines Bjørner, MAE
Department of Computer Science &
Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
E-Mail:, URL:
May 5-29, 2000; August 9, 2000
This document contains the report on a 23 day trip to China: Peking, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Macau, May 5-29, 2000. The trip was partly (May 7-19) as part of a Danish delegation of Danish university vice-chancellors or their (acting) deputies and university professors. The occassion was the 50th anniversary of the Royal Kingdom of Denmark diplomaticaly recognising the People's Republic of China, 11 May 1950-2000. The delegation visited around 10 universities and Chinese Academy of Sciences institutes. The objective was to establish closer, formal ties in the form of institutional scholar and student exchange agreements (to be signed). The institutions visited and thus the itinerary emerges from the contents listing following.
We end this document with a recommendation for DTU action with respect to its Computer Science & Technology group and China.
A last section contains a ``rendition'' of DBs presentation of the DTU Computer Science & Technology group.
Hans Peter Jensen, heading the whole delegation, met, exchanged courtesies with the Peking university vice-chancellor, while emphasizing the Danish desire to extend existing informal and forge new, formal collaboration agreements. An emphasis of the Technical University of Denmark was to secure that the present number of 50% of its MSc students who spend 1/2 to a whole study year at a foreign university be raised over some five years to 100% -- and that this be achieved through reciprocative exchange, in addition to scholars and PhD students, also of MSc students.
We only met the two chairmen. No colleagues, and no PhD or MSc students. DB had specifically mentioned his desire to meet two professors -- they were not there. Excuse given: Teaching.
Among R&D projects mentioned were: Computational linguistics (machine translation), computer architecture and organisation (mostly micro-electronics), database and information systems, information security (WWW) and cryptography, multi-media HCI, networking and distribuited computing, special (GIS) information systems, software and systems engineering and a smattering of theoretical computer science.
Prof. Li Xiaoming, head of the department was very well prepared.
Among R&D projects mentioned were: Networking, formal methods (softw. eng., translation, verification), domain specific languages (but no details could be given), AI (logical frames, no details), image processing (no details), symbolic computations (automata etc., no details), etc.
Prof. Lin Zuoquan, head of the department of informatics, was not as well prepared as was Prof. Li Xiaoming.
It seemed to us that there were too many R&D projects, given the number of scientific staff mentioned, and that some of them were too development oriented. It seemed that no two scientific staff really collaborated.
DB, at some time during the visit, gave a presentation of his department basically along the lines given in Section db: some, or all, or even more !
DB has visited BeiDa perhaps some dozen or more times: 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991-1997 multiple times yearly.
On most visits DB has given lectures, and in the years 1991-1997 also engaged in UNU/IIST-BeiDa collaboration.
Finally, ID/DTH (precursor for IT/DTU) has had two 18-24 month visits by two BeiDa professors and one three week visit by, perhaps one of the finest Chinese scholars (1985).
DB, at some time during the visit, gave a presentation of his department basically along the lines given in Section db: some, or all, or even more !
This is clearly a winner:
For a socialist country this institute has
succeeded admirably in combining three avenues of actitities:
Prof. Li HuiMing is clearly a international top-level researcher in the field of process algebras (concurrency and parallel systems).
Prof. Tang CsiTong, retd., still works on tempral systems.
Prof. Wu EnHua works on image processing and graphics.
Prof. Tao RenJi works on Cryptography.
Others work on classical SE, Funct.Prgr. and Reusability.
I visited the first three groups:
The institute has fostered several -- what seems to be successful -- commercial companies located in buildings adjacent to the former two buildings -- togethger forming a conducive ``science park''.
DB has likewise visited SI/CAS (and its ``mother'' institutes: Inst. of Mathematics and Inst. for Comp.Techn., as many ot perhaps more times than Beida: 1981, 1982, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991-1997 multiple times yearly.
On most visits DB has given lectures, and in the years 1991-1997 also engaged in UNU/IIST-BeiDa collaboration.
Finally, ID/DTH (precursor for IT/DTU) has had three month visits in 1983/4, 1985/6 and a three year visit from Prof. Zhou Chao Chen.
Hans Peter Jensen, heading the whole delegation, met, exchanged courtesies with the Fudan university vice-chancellor, while emphasizing the Danish desire to extend existing informal and forge new, formal collaboration agreements. An emphasis of the Technical University of Denmark was to secure that the present number of 50% of its MSc students who spend 1/2 to a whole study year at a foreign university be raised over some five years to 100% -- and that this be achieved through reciprocative exchange, in addition to scholars and PhD students, also of MSc students.
DB, at some time during the visit, gave a presentation of his department basically along the lines given in Section db: some, or all, or even more !
The Fudan CSD has 130 lecturer/scientists of which 16 are full professors and some 60 are associate professors. There are 40 OhD, 200 MSc and 800 BSc students. Downtown Shanghai they have a continued education, ie. a so-called mobile learning center. Their research areas are: AI (Prof. Wu LiDe, Natl. Lang. Processing), Database (Prof. Shi BaiLe, Digital Library, Data Mining, [Indexed] Retrieval), Parallel Processing (Prof. Zhu ChuanQi), Computer Networks (Prof. Zhang GenDu and Gao ChuanShen), Software Engineering (Prof. Qian LeQiu), Algorithmics and Complexity Theory (Prof. Zhu Hong, Traffic Ctrl.), Speech Recognition (Prof. Li ZongGe), etc.
It is my impression that the Fudan CSD is well-focused and up-to-date on and, for example in Algorithmics, on par with international research.
I especially recommend Prof. Zhu Hong as a potential collaborator.
DB has visited Fudan in 1981, 1985 and multiple times in the period 1991-1997.
Hans Peter Jensen, heading the whole delegation, met, exchanged courtesies with the Shanghai Jiao Tong university vice-chancellor, while emphasizing the Danish desire to extend existing informal and forge new, formal collaboration agreements. An emphasis of the Technical University of Denmark was to secure that the present number of 50% of its MSc students who spend 1/2 to a whole study year at a foreign university be raised over some five years to 100% -- and that this be achieved through reciprocative exchange, in addition to scholars and PhD students, also of MSc students.
DB, at some time during the visit, gave a presentation of his department basically along the lines given in Section db: some, or all, or even more !
It seems that there are the following research areas: Voice recognition (3 staff), Natural language processing (6 staff), Image processing (3 staff), E-commerce and networks (mobile agents, and WEB work: cf., CIMS (4 staff), Theoretical computer science (logics, model-checking, program verification, type theory, concurrency, algorithmics and neural networks), Distance learning (supported by Shanghai Education Commission), and Distributed Computing (Prof. Yu JinYuan).
SJTU is a potential candidate for collaboration.
DB has visited SJTU in 1981, 1982, 1985, 1988 and multiple times in the period 1991-1997.
ECUST is a State Key Univ. of China. The Univ. was founded in 1952. Has an excellent campus and seems to have a very positive look on and ability for internl. collab.
DB, at some time during the visit, gave a presentation of his department basically along the lines given in Section db: some, or all, or even more !
The CSD was founded in 1985. It has four research areas: Programming research (Prof. Song GuoXin, Unifying theories [a la Hoare etc.], RAISE, Rewrite Systems, Verification, Transformation of Hybrid CSP to Hybrid Automata, Co-design [co-simulation, C++, translation of Verilog to C++]), AI (Prof. Shuai DianXun, absent), Software Engineering (Prof. Zhang YouRen, application generators, process models), Networking (Prof. Yang MingGFu, ATM).
The CSD has 500 PCs, an up-to-date reference library and 500 students. There is a total staff of 72: 6 full profs., 16 assoc., 23 other treaching & research staff -- in addition to admin. and techn. staff. 450 BSc, 70 MSc and 5 PhD. They have o NSFC grants, 3 ``863'' grants, 5 grants from the Shanghai Municipality, one ``973'' grant (with QinHua on AI), and have received 10 awards (2 natl., 8 muni.).
A PhD student of Prof. Dr. Yu Huiqun, Mr. Pan GuoQiang will go to study with Moshe Vardi at UT Austin.
This was DB's first visit to ECUS&T. I consider it a great Univ.: It is pursuing research and giving courses based on my work !
The main event was that of signing the collaboration agreement between DTU and Tong Ji Univ.
Hans Peter Jensen, heading the whole delegation, met, exchanged courtesies with the Tong Ji university vice-chancellor, while emphasizing the Danish desire to extend existing informal and forge new, formal collaboration agreements. An emphasis of the Technical University of Denmark was to secure that the present number of 50% of its MSc students who spend 1/2 to a whole study year at a foreign university be raised over some five years to 100% -- and that this be achieved through reciprocative exchange, in addition to scholars and PhD students, also of MSc students.
DB give a very brief summary of Section 4.
We were then shown the Automobile design, and two CIM labs.
Vice-chancellor Schmidt-Nielsen, now heading the whole delegation, met, exchanged courtesies with the Hong Kong University vice-chancellor, while emphasizing the Danish desire to extend existing informal and forge new, formal collaboration agreements.
DB, at some time during the visit, gave a presentation of his department basically along the lines given in Section db: some, or all, or even more !
DB has visited HKU/CSD in 1981, 1984, 1988 and regularly since 1991.
DB is/was a Honorary Prof. at HKU, and knows the dept. very well: Was PhD advisor for (now Dr.) Karl P.H. Leung, 1995-1997, and is closest affiliated with Dr. T.H.Tse.
The HKU/CSIS is definitely a worthwhile partner for DTU/CS&T.
CUHK was founded by three colleges, incl. United College, whose founder was the father of Dr. Tien Chi CHEN, a colleague of DB at IBM Research 1969-1973, and a close friend ever since. DB has visited T.C. while, after retirement from IBM, he was Engineering Dean at CUHK.
Vice-chancellor Schmidt-Nielsen, now heading the whole delegation, met, exchanged courtesies with the Chinese University of Hong Kong vice-chancellor, while emphasizing the Danish desire to extend existing informal and forge new, formal collaboration agreements.
DB, at some time during the visit, gave a presentation of his department basically along the lines given in Section db: some, or all, or even more !
DB has visited HKU/CSD in 1981, 1984, 1988 and regularly since 1991.
DB knows the dept. very well. Jimmy Lee collaborated with UNU/IIST during DBs tenure at UNU/IIST and beyond. C.K.Wonf was an old colleague of DB at IBM Research
The CUHK/CS&E is definitely a worthwhile partner for DTU/CS&T.
One of the vice-chancellor, Arthur K.C.Li's children has DB's close cousin, Ms. Lise B. Graves as godmother -- and the reunion between Arthur and Dines was quite ``spectacular'' !
DB, at some time during the visit, gave a presentation of his department basically along the lines given in Section db: some, or all, or even more !
DB gave a talk: 10:30-11:45.
The HKUS&T/CS dept. is a marginal collaborator with DTU/CS&T -- there are just very few if any points of mutual research interest, but the Univ., and the Dept. should be very good for DTU students.
DB, at some time during the visit, gave a presentation of his department basically along the lines given in Section db: some, or all, or even more !
DTU ought support the MoU formally.
It would be nice if Rektor Hans Peter Jensen could visit UNU/IIST. Including a short tour, by car, of Macau, it could all be done in 1/2 day: Ferry after lunch in HKG, 60 min. (max.) visit to UNU/IIS and a two hour trip around the enclave. Can be arranged for example either Saturday or Sunday. UNU/IIST can easily arrange to be open and have all Macau present staff and all Fellows and som admin. staff be present !
I recommend that DTU:
There is already an agreement with Tong Ji Univ., Shanghai.
Cost: *****.** DKr.
CUHK: Chinese University of Hong Kong (Dept. of CS &c.):
Cost: ****.** DKr.
Fudan University (Dept. of CS &c.), Shanghai:
I intend to contact Dr. Børge Diderichsen, Novo Nordic, on this.
Cost: ****.** DKr.
HKU: Hong Kong University (Dept. of CS &c.):
Cost: ****.** DKr.
SI/CAS: Inst. of Software, CAS, Beijing:
Cost: ****.** DKr.
SJTU: Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. (Dept. of CS &c.):
Cost: ****.** DKr.
BeiDa: Peking University (Dept. of CS &c.):
HKUS&T: Hong Kong Univ. of Sci. & Techn. (Dept. of CS &c.):
Cost: ****.** DKr.
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