Combination of Wishart Test Statistics and Loewner Order for Change Detection in Quad/Full and Dual Polarization SAR Data

Allan Aasbjerg Nielsen, Henning Skriver, Knut Conradsen

AbstractWe use the combined Wishart-Loewner method to successfully detect change and direction of change in truly multitemporal, multilooked quad/full polarization synthetic aperture radar image data in the covariance matrix representation. Based on in situ data interpretations of the obtained results are given for three selected fields. Histograms of the Wishart test statistics in a wooded no-change area shows good agreement with the theoretical distributions.
TypeConference paper [With referee]
ConferenceAccepted for IEEE IGARSS
Year2020    Month July
AddressHawaii, USA
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IMM Group(s)Image Analysis & Computer Graphics