Mode Changes in Network-on-Chip Based Multiprocessor Platforms

Ioannis Kotleas

AbstractAs the operating frequency of computer systems has reached a standstill, modern computer architectures lean towards concurrency and Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) solutions to increase performance. These architectures use Networks-on-Chip (NoC) to provide sufficient bandwidth for the Message Passing Interface (MPI) among the integrated processors. T-CREST is a Network-on-Chip based general-purpose time-predictable multi-processor platform for hard real-time applications. The T-CREST NoC uses static bandwidth allocation, which is constant throughout the execution. In this thesis we extend the T-CREST MPI with a mode change module that enables the reallocation of the NoC bandwidth during run-time. For this purpose we use a dedicated broadcast network with tree topology and a mode change controller, which is driven by a master processor. The designed module respects the time-predictability asset of T-CREST and manages the mode changes transparently to the tasks execution, providing the flexibility to the programmer of the general-purpose T-CREST platform to define the policy under which the mode changes are performed. The mode change extended T-CREST platform is prototyped on an FPGA and it is shown that the resource overhead is very small.
TypeMaster's thesis [Academic thesis]
PublisherTechnical University of Denmark, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
AddressRichard Petersens Plads, Building 324, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark,
SeriesDTU Compute M.Sc.-2014
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IMM Group(s)Computer Science & Engineering