Prototype implementation of a social network application for the Polidoxa Project

Antoine Chamot

AbstractNowadays with the development of media people have access to an huge flow of information coming from various sources. This gives to everyone a wide
range of viewpoints on a desired topic. However the streaming of information is mostly unidirectional, i.e. there is no possibility for the audience to control the process in any ways. Indeed with traditional media such as television or radio news are filtered step by step to ensure that only relevant information will be displayed to the public. Although such process is necessary to guarantee the information quality it is impossible for the receiver to give feedback or have any active interactions like select the source of the information or choose topics he/she wants to expand. This gives those media the power to influence publics agendas by putting forward stories they consider as newsworthy and give them prominence and space.
Internet offers an alternative since it is possible for each person to control the information he/she accesses, to choose the content he/she reads, and to interact with others. However people need some know-how to efficiently access relevant and trusted information they are looking for since the control is limited so it is usual to find any kind of hoax or garbage. It requires to be active and can be time consuming to get reliable news.
Taking account previously described limits and the fact that search engines like Google or social networks like Twitter, Facebook are for most people the starting point of much of their research emerged the idea carried by the Polidoxa project. Polidoxa aims to merge qualities of a news search engine and information coming from a trusted social network so as to oer a new searching experience. This would be done by putting user at the center and letting him influence the ranking algorithm to get more results susceptible to interest him.
Starting from this, the goal of this master is to design and implement a search engine prototype to illustrate and prove the interest of some core concepts described in Polidoxa. This application based on a chosen social network should evaluates and take advantage of the user network activities to give priority to links within a shorter relational distance. Moreover each user must be able to influence the process leading to result displaying. This running application would constitute a base for further investigations on the subject.
TypeMaster's thesis [Academic thesis]
PublisherTechnical University of Denmark, DTU Informatics, E-mail:
AddressAsmussens Alle, Building 305, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
NoteDTU supervisor: Nicola Dragoni,, DTU Informatics
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IMM Group(s)Computer Science & Engineering