Kamili - a Platform-Independent Framework for Application Development for Smart Phones

AbstractWith smartphone ownership increasing every year, developers are creating mobile applications, or apps, at a quicker pace than ever before. Smartphone manufacturers are competing for market share, causing a number of different mobile platforms to coexist. As the number of plat-forms increases, developers are looking for cross-platform development solutions that allow the same application to run on multiple devices.
In this thesis, we examine the currently available solutions for cross-platform development in the context of implementing a realistic example application. We then develop a tool, Kamili, for rapid prototyping and development of applications that run on several platforms using the Naked Objects method of automatic user interface generation.
We implement the example application and discuss the implications of working with multiple platforms and of using Kamili. We then describe the development process and the testing methods employed, as well as the possibilities for extensions of the tool.
TypeBachelor thesis [Academic thesis]
PublisherTechnical University of Denmark, DTU Informatics, E-mail: reception@imm.dtu.dk
AddressAsmussens Alle, Building 305, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
NoteSupervised by Associate Professor Christian Probst, probst@imm.dtu.dk, DTU Informatics
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Publication linkhttp://www.imm.dtu.dk/English.aspx
BibTeX data [bibtex]
IMM Group(s)Computer Science & Engineering