Segmentation of Abdominal Adipose Tissue in MRI in a Clinical Study of Growth and Diet

Josephine Jensen, Cecilie Benedicte Anker

AbstractThis thesis describes Graph Cut as a method applied for automatic segmentation of boundaries using information in three dimensions from T1-weighted 3-dimensional abdominal Magnetic Resonance Images, MRI. The data origins from a clinical research study where the subjects are scanned prior to and after 12 weeks of intervention.

The abdomen boundary, interior SAT boundary and Scarpa's Fascia divide the abdomen into three compartments containing di fferent adipose tissue classes. The classes are called visceral adipose tissue, VAT, deep subcutaneous adipose tissue, dSAT, and super cial subcutaneous adipose tissue, sSAT. Research shows diff erent clinical relevance of the three classes.

Before the segmentation the MRI data are preprocessed in several steps. The spatial image intensity inhomogeneities, called the Bias Field, are removed. Two methods, a Thin Plate Spline and N3, for correcting the bias field eff ect are investigated before choosing which to apply.

The interior SAT boundary and Scarpa's Fascia are located using Graph Cuts. A weighted directed graph is constructed from image characteristics. A Maximum Flow / Minimum Cut algorithm cuts the graph by fi nding the maximum flow. For labeling the adipose and nonadipose tissue two methods are compared, Fuzzy C-Means Clustering and Graph Cut.

A statistical analysis is performed on weight losses according to the intervention groups. Furthermore, the segmentation method described in this thesis is statistically compared to a previous method.
TypeBachelor thesis [Academic thesis]
PublisherTechnical University of Denmark, DTU Informatics, E-mail
AddressRichard Petersens Plads, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
NoteThe thesis was supervised by Professor Rasmus Larsen and Professor Knut Conradsen, DTU Informatics
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