
torso Workshop on Mesh Processing in Medical Image Analysis
In conjunction with MICCAI 2011.
Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Canada
September 18th, 2011


I2M Many strategies for medical image analysis have been built on an image analysis pipeline that starts with acquired image data, performs filtering and processing, constructs geometric models of important surfaces and structures, performs simulation, and finally provides quantitative and visual analysis of the data. Within this pipeline, geometry and shape are commonly represented as a mesh, or a discretization of some domain into simpler computational elements such as quads or triangles (representative of surface pieces) or tetrahedra and hexahedra (representative of volumetric elements). This image-to-mesh (I2M) step converts volumetric images into formats that are more suitable for solving finite-element simulations, analyzing critical structures, and performing boundary surface visualization tasks. Current research in computational geometry, graphics hardware, and computer graphics has produced methods to represent, extract, refine, visualize and analyze both critical surfaces embedded in the 3D volumes, such as interfaces between tissues, as well as volumetric regions, such as organs.

heart The workshop investigates the role meshes have with medical image analysis and is broadly based on three overlapping themes:

  1. Mesh processing,
  2. The I2M pipeline,
  3. Surface analysis and extraction.

While numerous I2M technologies have been developed, rarely do they get sufficient exposure so that out-of-field researchers have the necessary expertise to know the nuances between them. Similarly, researchers in geometry, meshing, and surfacing often consider their problems in independent settings, external to their use in a particular pipeline. In particular, there is a need for designing novel technologies that strictly focus on medical image domains. This workshop proposes to improve the cross-pollination of the imaging and meshing efforts by considering how meshing fits into the end-to-end pipeline from image acquisition to clinical analysis.

Printable workshop flyer.


Best paper prize

The MeshMed 2011 best paper prize was awarded to Katarzyna Wełnicka, Jakob Andreas Bærentzen, Henrik Aanæs, and Rasmus Larsen for the paper Example based style classiffication.


Registration for the workshop is handled trough the main MICCAI conference. The deadline for early-bird registration is August 1. On site registration is in the Frontenac Foyer. The registration opening times:

  • Sun Sept 18: 7:00-17:00
  • Mon Sept 19: 7:00-17:00
  • Tue Sept 20: 7:00-17:00
  • Wed Sept 21: 8:00-17:00
  • Thu Sept 22: 8:00-11:00
You will get a badge as a workshop attendee.


CIBC logo


The workshop is sponsored by the NIH/NCRR Center for Integrative Biomedical Computing at the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, University of Utah and the Department of Mathematical Modeling at the Technical University of Denmark.


Rasmus R. Paulsen
Associate Professor
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling
Technical University of Denmark
Richard Petersens Plads
Building 321, office 219
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Phone: +45 4525 3423
Fax: +45 4588 1397
www: http://www.imm.dtu.dk/~rrp
Email: rrp at imm dot dtu dot dk
    Joshua A. Levine
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute
University of Utah
72 S Central Campus Drive
WEB 2815
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Phone: +1 801-585-1867
Fax: +1 801 585 6813
www: http://www.sci.utah.edu/~jlevine
Email: jlevine at sci dot utah dot edu