02917 Advanced Topics in Embedded Systems (June 2009).
DTU Study handbook: Description
Supported by ARTIST - Network of Excellence on Embedded Systems Design.
General topic:
Models, analysis and tools for embedded
systems. The concrete content of the course will vary from year to
year. Previous years' courses are described here: 2007, 2008
This year:
The main part will be given by:
- People from the Distributed and Embedded Systems group, at the Computer Science Department, Aalborg University. The group is headed by Professor Kim G. Larsen.
- Professor Jüri Vain, Department of Computer Science, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. His research interests are within the development and usage of formal methods in real-time and hybrid systems, genetic algorithms for automatic learning, programming theory, etc.
The course is this year partitioned into four
First period (17/6 - 19/6):
Topic: Real time validation of embedded systems using Uppaal. Includes real-time automata and the Uppaal family of tools, including for example,
UPPAAL CORA (based on priced timed automata), UPPAAL TIGA (based on timed games), and UPPAAL TRON. Lectures are given by Alexandre David and Marius Mikucionis, Distributed and Embedded Systems, Aalborg University. There will lab sessions as well.
- Second period (22/6 - 23/6): Lectures by Jüri Vain on Model-Based Development and Validation of Multirobot Cooperative
System. Further description is found here. This part will contain a mix of lecturing and hands-on exercises especially
built around the Uppaal tool suite.
- Third period (24-25/6): Analysis of systems with resource constraints. Keywords: multi-core systems, mapping applications to multi-core platform, and
a logical approach to modelling and analysis of resource constraints. Lectures are given by Jan Madsen, Michael R. Hansen and Aske Brekling.
- Forth period starting 26/6:
Project work. The students may complete this project at their home institution and hand in the required
material no later than July 13, 2009.
Two kinds of diplomas are issued: one kind for completion of the first three periods (workload corresponds to 2.5 ECTS),
and another for successful completion of all four periods, including the project (workload corresponds to 5 ECTS).
The lessons takes place at DTU Informatics. First lecture starts
Monday, June 17, at 9:00 am.
Responsible Teachers:
Michael R. Hansen
Jan Madsen (jan@imm.dtu.dk), and Hans Henrik
Løvengreen, (hhl@imm.dtu.dk), all DTU Informatics, Technical University of Denmark.
Send email to Michael R. Hansen
(mrh@imm.dtu.dk) no later than Friday, May 29.
Travel grants:
There is a limited number of travel grants. To apply for a grant, send email to Michael R. Hansen
(mrh@imm.dtu.dk) with personal information (name, affiliation, ph.d. supervisor, title of project, ect.
and a budget).
You may have a look at:
Travel information:
You may have a look at:
Last update: May 04, 2009, Michael R. Hansen