Detailed Information

Course Form

There are no lectures or common exercises in this course. Instead, most of the work will be carried out individually by the students. There will be a group meeting each week where you can discuss things with the supervisors and your classmates. At some of these meetings, there may be "customers" who would like to hear about the progress of the project. A customer could be the owner of the data/project or a course supervisor playing the role of a customer. This project development model lets the students get aquainted with a potential future work environment.

The course is given over 3 weeks during June. It is open both for regular DTU students and for everyone else via Open University. DTU students should sign up using CampusNet. For information on how to apply via Open University, see this link.

Course Material

There is no mandatory material for this course.


There will be an oral exam where each student is asked to present their poster and answer questions. Grades will be based on the quality of the work, as well as the quality of the presentation and discussion during the exam.


LHC: Line H. Clemmensen, Assitant Professor, DTU Data Analysis, lhc[at]