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Important dates

ECMFA 2012, will be held July 2-5, 2012 at the DTU Campus in Lyngby, which is located about 15 kilometers north of Copenhagen (see Venue). Workshops, tutorials, and other satellite events will be held on July 2-3. The main conference will be held on July 4-5.

The following list shows all important dates for event proposals, paper submissions, registration, and participation.

Paper submission to main conference (academic and industrial track)

Abstract submission February 15, 2012 (expired)
Full paper submission February 22, 2012 (expired)
Notification of acceptance April 10, 2012 (expired)
Camera ready version April 23, 2012 (expired)
Main conference July 4-5, 2012 (passed)

Proposal of workshops and tutorials

Workshops and tutorials should be proposed as early as possible. The workshop/tutorial chair will endeavour to provide formal notification as quickly as possible — typically within a few days — so that event organisers can quickly start preparing for their event. The ultimate deadlines for proposals and notifications are:

Submission of proposal December 12, 2011 (expired)
Notification of acceptance January 2, 2012 (expired)

Paper submission to workshops (recommended to organisers of workshops)

See the workshops page for submission details and specific dates.
Full paper submission April 16, 2012 (expired)
Notification of acceptance May 14, 2012 (expired)
Camera ready version June 3, 2012 (expired)
Workshops July 2-3, 2012 (passed)

Tool presentation and poster submission

Submission of proposals of tools and posters May 18, 2012 (expired)
Notification of acceptance May 28, 2012 (expired)
Camera ready version of abstract June 3, 2012 (expired)
Tool presentations July 4, 2012 (passed)
Tool and poster demonstrations July 3-4, 2012 (passed)

Registration and events

Early registration May 23, 2012 (expired)
Workshop / satellite events July 2-3, 2012 (passed)
Tool and posters demonstrations July 4-5, 2012 (passed)
Tool presentation (as part of the conference) July 4, 2012 (passed)
Conference July 4-5, 2012 (passed)