@ARTICLE\{IMM2015-06842, author = "J. Tian and A. A. Nielsen and P. Reinartz", title = "Building damage assessment after the earthquake in Haiti using two postevent satellite stereo imagery and DSMs", year = "2015", month = "mar", keywords = "building damage; change detection; digital surface models; segmentation", pages = "155-169", journal = "International Journal of Image and Data Fusion", volume = "6", editor = "", number = "2", publisher = "Taylor \& Francis", note = "Included in Exclusive Editor's Choice Collection (http://explore.tandfonline.com/page/est/ijidf-ec2017?utm\_source=banner\&utm\_medium=banner\_ad\&utm\_campaign=JMD00666/, can be reached until 30 April 2018)", url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19479832.2014.1001879", abstract = "In this article, a novel after-disaster building damage monitoring method is presented. This method combines the multispectral imagery and digital surface models (DSMs) from stereo matching of two dates to obtain three kinds of changes: collapsed buildings, newly built buildings and temporary shelters. The proposed method contains three basic steps. The first step is to focus on the DSMs and orthorectified images preparation. The second step is to segment the panchromatic images in obtaining small homogeneous regions. In the last step, a rule-based classification is built on the change information from iteratively reweighted multivariate alteration detection (IR-MAD) and height to extract the three kinds of changes. To further improve the accuracy of the results, a region-based grey-level co-occurrence matrix texture measurement is used. The proposed method is applied to monitor building changes after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and the obtained results are further evaluated both visually and numerically.", isbn_issn = "10.1080/19479832.2014.1001879" }