Softwareteknologi DTU - Project No. 0240:  Tool for automating slide content and sequences
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet DTU
Bachelorprojekt - Softwareteknologi
Project No. 0240:  Tool for automating slide content and sequences
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In this project, you are to develop a tool to automate the construction of slide content and slide sequences based on conditions that arise during user feedback (e.g. answers in a questionnaire should determine the sequence of questions). The project must be implemented using Google technologies (Appscript) using Google's presentation API. A web app must be developed that allows users to join a session containing slides and sequence rules. As part of this a login functionality should be developed. Furthermore, a dashboard should be developed that give the facilitator an overview of logged in users and their progress. The content of slides and the rules for slide sequences must be defined in a spreadsheet

Supervisor(s) Mads Nyborg

Sidst opdateret: Nov 17, 2020 af Hans Henrik Løvengreen