Softwareteknologi DTU - Project No. 0033:  Design, implementation and analysis of algorithms on multi-core systems
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet DTU
Bachelorprojekt - Softwareteknologi
Project No. 0033:  Design, implementation and analysis of algorithms on multi-core systems
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Multiple cores architectures have become the means of improving CPU performance while the processor clock frequency is no longer increasing, in fact decreasing. The descriptions and implementations of most standard algorithms are optimized for single core systems. The task of this project(s) is to re-design "classical" algorithms for multi-core systems, to implement, test and analyze them. This involves

Potential problems are

Prerequisites:  Preferably 02152 Concurrent Systems and/or 02110 Algorithms & Data Structures 2

Supervisor(s) Paul Fischer

Sidst opdateret: Oct 31, 2011 af Hans Henrik Løvengreen