Softwareteknologi DTU - Projekt nr. 0027:  Protocol Simulator
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet DTU
Bachelorprojekt - Softwareteknologi
Projekt nr. 0027:  Protocol Simulator
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In course 02121 Engineering Practice, students are given an introduction to protocols in the context of a distributed sensor network. To give an intutive understanding of protocol workings, it is desireable to have a graphical environment in which simple protocols may be visualized.

In this project such a protocol simulator should be developed. The simulator should allow the user to define a communication structure and to specify the protocol of each node in a simple manner.

The simulator should be developed in a platform independent langauge, eg. Java.

Forudsætninger:  02105 AD1 and preferably 02110 AD2 and 02152 Concurrent Systems

Vejleder(e): Hans Henrik Løvengreen

Sidst opdateret: Oct 31, 2011 af Hans Henrik Løvengreen