Peter L. Christiansen:
Master's Degree Courses
taught by Peter L. Christiansen at Electromagnetics Institute, DTU (EMI),
Laboratory of Applied Mathematical
Physics, DTU (LAMF), Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York
University (CIMS), Physics Institute, DTU (FI) and Institute of Mathematical
Modelling, DTU (IMM):
(New courses initiated by Peter L. Christiansen are marked by asterisk)
- Electromagnetic Field Theory and Special Relativity, EMI (Fall 1964)
- Methods in Mathematical Physics I for Electrical Engineers, LAMF (Fall 1966)
- Mathematical Physics for Civil Engineers, LAMF (Spring 1967)
- Applied Mathematics for Electrical Engineers, LAMF (Fall 1967)
- Applied Mathematics (Mathematical Physics) for Civil Engineers, LAMF
(Spring 1968)
- Applied Mathematics (Mathematical Physics) for Civil Engineers, LAMF
(Fall 1968)
- Applied Mathematics (Mathematical Physics) for Civil Engineers, LAMF
(Spring 1969)
- Infinite Series with Applications to Ordinary Differential Equations,
CIMS (Fall 1969)
- Partial Differential Equations I, CIMS ((Fall 1969)
- Infinite Series with Applications to Ordinary Differential Equations,
CIMS (Spring 1970)
- Calculus III, CIMS (Spring 1970)
- Applied Mathematics (Mathematical Physics) for Electrical Engineers, LAMF
(Fall 1970)
- Applied Mathematics (Mathematical Physics) for Mechanical Engineers, LAMF
(Spring 1971)
- Applied mathematics (Mathematical Physics) for Electrical Engineers, LAMF
(Fall 1971)
- Mathematical Physics for mechanical and Electrical Engineers, LAMF
(Spring 1972)
- Methods in Mathematical Physics I, LAMF (Fall 1972)
- *Mathematical Analysis IV (Complex Function Theory), LAMF (Fall 1972)
- *Asymptotical Scattering Theory, LAMF (Spring 1973)
- Methods in Mathematical Physics II, 0312 LAMF (Fall 1973)
- Asymptotical Scattering Theory, 0321 LAMF (Fall 1973)
- *Nonlinear Systems, 0323 LAMF (Fall 1974)
- Asymptotical Scattering Theory, 0321 LAMF (Spring 1975)
- Methods in Mathematical Physics I (with Niels Christian Albertsen), 0311 LAMF
(Spring 1975)
- Mathematical Analysis IV (Complex Function Theory), 0304 LAMF (Fall 1975)
- Mathematical Analysis IV (Complex Function Theory), 0304 LAMF (Fall 1976)
- *Mathematical Problems from Biology, 0333 LAMF (Spring 1977)
- Mathematical Analysis IV (Complex Function Theory), 0304 LAMF (Fall 1977)
- Mathematical Problems from Biology, 0333 LAMF (Spring 1978)
- Mathematical Problems from Biology, 0333 LAMF (Spring 1979)
- Mathematical Analysis IV (Complex Function Theory), 0304 LAMF (Fall 1979)
- Mathematical Problems from Biology, 0333 LAMF (Spring 1980)
- *Nonlinear Waves. Solitons, 0315 LAMF (Fall 1980)
- Modelling - Applied Mathematics (with Ove Skovgaard), 0310 LAMF (June 1981)
- *Rational Mechanics (with Hans True), 0303 LAMF (Fall 1981)
Modelling - Applied Mathematics (with Ove Skovgaard), 0310 LAMF (Databaren)
(January 1982)
- Mathematical Problems from Biology, 0333 LAMF (Databaren) (Spring 1982)
Modelling - Applied Mathematics (with Ove Skovgaard), 0310 LAMF (Databaren)
(June 1982)
- Rational Mechanics, 0303 LAMF (Databaren) (Fall 1983)
Modelling - Applied Mathematics (with Ove Skovgaard), 0310 LAMF (Databaren)
(January 1983)
Mathematical Analysis IV (Complex Function Theory)
(with Niels Christian Albertsen), 0304 LAMF (Databaren) (Spring 1983)
Mathematical Analysis IV (Complex Function Theory)
(with Søren Christiansen), 0304 LAMF (Databaren) (Fall 1983)
- Rational Mechanics (with Hans True) , 0303 LAMF (Databaren) (Fall 1983)
Modelling - Applied Mathematics (with Ove Skovgaard), 0310 LAMF (Databaren)
(January 1984)
- Mathematical Problems from Biology, 0333 LAMF-Databaren (Spring 1984)
Modelling - Applied Mathematics (with Ove Skovgaard), 0310 LAMF (Databaren)
(June 1984)
- Rational Mechanics, 0303 LAMF (Databaren) (Fall 1984)
Modelling - Applied Mathematics (with Ove Skovgaard), 0310 LAMF (Databaren)
(January 1985)
- Nonlinear Waves. Solitons, 0315 LAMF (Spring 1985)
Modelling - Applied Mathematics (with Ove Skovgaard), 0310 LAMF (Databaren)
(June 1985)
- *Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. Solitons, 0315 LAMF (Spring 1987)
- Bifurcation, Chaos and Mathematical Biology (with Alwyn Scott), 0334 LAMF
(Spring 1988)
- Rational Mechanics (with Mads Peter Sørensen), 0303 LAMF (Databaren)
(Fall 1988)
Mathematical Analysis IV (Complex Function Theory)
(with Søren Christiansen), 0304 LAMF (Databaren) (Fall 1989)
- Partial Differential Equations. Theory and Applications, 0312 LAMF
(Spring 1990)
- Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. Solitons (with Alwyn Scott),
0315 LAMF (Spring 1990)
- Partial Differential Equations. Theory and Applications, 0312 LAMF
(Spring 1991)
- Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. Solitons,
0315 LAMF (Spring 1991)
- Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. Solitons (with Alwyn Scott),
0315 LAMF (Spring 1992)
- Applied Mathematics I, 0311 LAMF (Spring 1993)
- Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. Solitons (with Alwyn Scott),
0315 LAMF (Spring 1993)
- Mechanics and Physical Modelling (with Gunnar Christiansen), 1502 FI
(Spring 1993)
Mathematical Analysis IV (Complex Function Theory)
(with Søren Christiansen), 0304 IMM (Fall 1993)
- Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. Solitons (with Alwyn Scott),
0315 IMM (Spring 1994)
- Mechanics and Physical Modelling (with Gunnar Christiansen), 1502 FI
(Spring 1994)
Dynamical Systems. Ordinary Differential Equations (with Per Grove Thomsen),
0211 IMM (Spring 1995)
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. Solitons (with Alwyn Scott and
Mads Peter Sørensen), 0315 IMM (Spring 1995)
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. Basic Course (with Per Grove Thomsen, Morten
Brøns, and Jørn Bindslev Hansen), 0211/1743 IMM/FI (Fall
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. Solitons (with Alwyn Scott),
0315 IMM (Spring 1996)
Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics with Applications (with Mads Peter
Sørensen), 0316 IMM (Spring 1996)
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. Basic Course (with Per Grove Thomsen,
Morten Brøns, and Erik Mosekilde), 0211/1743 IMM/FI (Fall 1996)
Applied Mathematics I (with Søren Christiansen) 0311 IMM
(Fall 1996)
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. Solitons (with Alwyn Scott),
0315 IMM (Spring 1997)
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. Basic Course (with Morten Brøns and Erik
Mosekilde), 01248 IMM/FI (Fall 1997)
- Perturbation, Bifurcations, Chaos and Mathematical Biology (with Alwyn
Scott), 04224 IMM (Spring 1998)
- Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. Solitons (with Alwyn Scott),
04225 IMM (Spring 1998)
Special Courses
(Here and in midterm projects and Master's theses the main supervisor (and
supervisor(s)) are indicated in the parenthesis after the title)
- Jan Bünger (1980) "Ulineære bølger i elastiske stænger"
- Flemming If (1983) "Linie-bredde beregninger for fluxoner på
Josephson junctions" (Peter L. Christiansen and O. Skovgaard)
- Will Coolidge (1985) "Instabiliteter i Josephson junctions" (Peter
L. Christiansen and R. D. Parmentier)
- Anders G. Frandsen (1985) "Freak waves" (Peter L. Christiansen)
- Anders Ellehammer and Niels Anker Hansen (1985) "Kaos og
fraktale dimensioner" (Peter L. Christiansen)
- Per Berg and Dan Birkedal (1985) "Solitoner på optiske fibre"
(Peter L. Christiansen)
- Peter Lass Johansen (1986) "Adaptiv styring og regulering: Modellering med
ikke-lineære differentialligninger" (Peter L. Christiansen and Jesper
- Henrik Brabrand (1987) "Ikke-lineære dynamiske systemer og
bifurkationsteori" (Peter L. Christiansen and Jesper Mørk)
- Niels Grønbech-Jensen (1987) "Spredningsprocesser i optiske
fibre" (Peter L. Christiansen and Niels Hyldekær Jensen)
- Norma Bock Crosby (1988) "Solitoner i biologien" (Peter L. Christiansen and
Virginia Muto)
- Kent Jørgensen (1989) "Computational Biology" (Peter L. Christiansen
and Mads Peter Sørensen)
- Karsten Rottwitt (1989) "Solitonudbredelse i single-mode fibre" (Peter L.
Christiansen and Hans True)
- Jens Trandum (1990) "Rationel mekanik" (Peter L. Christiansen og Mads Peter
- Michael Jørgensen (1991) "Undersøgelse af den
ikke-lineære Schrödinger ligning (Peter L. Christiansen)
- Michael Jørgensen (1991) C-integrabilitet (Peter L. Christiansen)
- Christian Poulsen (1991) "Solitonteori" (Peter L. Christiansen)
- Poul Erik Bak and Palle G. Dinesen (1991-92) "Matematisk beskrivelse
af ikke-lineære effekter i optiske kommunikationssystemer"
(Peter L. Christiansen)
- Poul Varming (1992) Undersøgelse af den ikke-lineære
ligning med perturbationsled fra optiske anvendelser" (Peter L. Christiansen
and Mads Peter Sørensen)
- Kim Ørskov Rasmussen (1992) "Undersøgelse af den ikke-lineære Schrödinger
ligning med perturbationsled fra optiske anvendelser" (Peter L. Christiansen
and Mads Peter Sørensen)
- Kim Ørskov Rasmussen (1992) "Anvendelse af BCS teori på
anisotrop superleder" (Mads Peter Sørensen, Ole Bang, and Peter L.
- Carsten N. Jensen og Bjørn Ø. Jensen (1992) "Diskretisering
af ikke-lineære systemer" (Ole Bang and Peter L. Christiansen)
- Line Byskov og Elizabeth Thoft (1993) "Treatment of Self-Trapping
(Peter L. Christiansen and Michael Jørgensen)
- Michael Jalloh (1995) "Elektromagnetisk bølgeudbredelse i
optiske fibre" (Mads Peter Sørensen and Peter L. Christiansen)
- Kim Nolsøe (1998) Ikke-lineære partielle differentialligninger
(Peter L. Christiansen)
Special Courses: Student Exchanges
- Michael C. Gerstenberg og Hans C. Pedersen (1991)
visiting Tassos Bountis, University of Patras "Advanced Nonlinear Dynamics"
(Peter L. Christiansen)
- Michael Jørgensen visiting J. C. Eilbeck, Heriot-Watt University,
Edinburgh "Theory and Application of Nonlinear Dynamics" (Peter L. Christiansen)
- Maria Daniel, from University of Ioannina ,Greece (1993) "Classical and
Quantum Mechanical Description of Low-Dimensional Nonlinear Systems"
(Peter L. Christiansen and Michael Jørgensen)
- Carl Balslev Clausen (1993-94) visiting Michel Peyrard, ENS, Lyon France
"Molecular Biology" (Peter L. Christiansen)
- Patsalas A. Panagiotis, from University of Ioannina, Greece (1995)
"Discrete Self-Trapping Model and the Pure NLS Equation" (Peter
L. Christiansen and Mads Peter Sørensen)
- Werner Hoffmans, from Eindhoven University, Holland (ECMI) (1995) "Interferometric
measurement of the diameter of glass tubes" (Mads Peter Sørensen,
Jes Henningsen, DFM, Niels Christian Albertsen, and Peter
L. Christiansen)
- Kostas Kompocholis, from University of Ioannina, Greece (1996)
"Josephson junctions
and numerical solution of the sine-Gordon equation" (Mads Peter Sørensen
and Peter L. Christiansen)
- Peter Skov (1997) visiting Joel Pouget, Université Pierre et Marie
Curie, Paris "Application of nonlinear wave theory I" (Peter L. Christiansen)
- Peter Skov (1998) visiting Joel Pouget, Université Pierre et Marie
Curie, Paris "Application of nonlinear wave theory II" (Peter L. Christiansen)
- Henrik Bredmose (1998) to visit D. Howell Peregrine, Bristol University
"Advanced nonlinear modelling of water waves" (Peter L. Christiansen)
- Paul Diderichsen and Jakob Dalsgaard (1998) to visit Michel Peyrard,
ENS Lyon (Peter L. Christiansen)
Comment: The Erasmus and Socrates programs have been used for these
arrangements for the students
Midterm Projects
- Pernille Høyrup (1994) "Classical and Quantum Mechanical Treatment of
Self-trapping" (Peter L. Christiansen and Michael Jørgensen)
- John Hensen and David Henriksen (1994-95) "Pulsudbredelse i optiske fibre"
(Mads Peter Sørensen and Peter L. Christiansen)
- Simon Johan Saraksen, Johannes Madsen, Talo Brandt, and Steffen Kjær
Johansen (1996) "Pulsudbredelse på optiske fibre"
(Mads Peter Sørensen and Peter L. Christiansen)
- Ane Jensen and Søren Jensen (1996) "Quantum-chaology for small
molecules" (Peter L. Christiansen and Mads Peter Sørensen)
- Henrik Bredmose og Jacob Larsen (1996) "Boussinesq's ligninger for
vandbølger" (Peter L. Christiansen and Ivar G. Jonsson, ISVA)
- Brian Lading and Torben Winther Graversen (1997)
"En undersøgelse af Hodgkin-Huxley modellen samt dens anvendelighed
i koblede beta-celler" (Mads Peter Sørensen and Peter L. Christiansen)
- Paul Diderichsen and Søren Frederiksen (1998) "Kvantekaologi for
små molekyler" (Peter L. Christiansen)
Master's Theses
- Torben Frentz (1965) "Undersøgelse af refleksionen fra en
rutilkrystal anbragt foran en metalvæg med endelig ledningsevne"
(Erik Hansen and Peter L. Christiansen)
- Ole Brink-Kjær (1973) "Kombineret refraktion og diffraktion af
bølger" (Ivar G. Jonsson, ISVA and Peter L. Christiansen)
- Peter S. Lomdahl (1979) "Beregninger af solitoner og solitære
bølger" (Peter L. Christiansen and Ole Hvilsted Olsen)
- Henrik Skjolding (1980-81) "Ikke-lineære systemer og eksempler
fra kemi og biologi" (Peter L. Christiansen, Bodil Branner, MAT and Helge
Elbrønd Jensen, MAT)
- Mads Peter Sørensen (1981-82) "Ulineære elastiske bølger
i stænger med varierende egenskaber" (Peter L. Christiansen and
Peter Lomdahl)
- Thyge Holten Sørensen (1981-82) "Numeriske beregninger af Josephson
oscillatorer" (Peter L. Christiansen and Peter Lomdahl)
- Flemming If (1983) "Fluxon dynamics on a circular Josephson transmission
line" (Peter L. Christiansen and Mads Peter Sørensen)
- Jesper Halding Jensen (1882-83) "Nerve equations" (Peter L. Christiansen,
A. C. Scott, and O. Skovgaard)
- Hans Erik Lassen (1983-84) "Ulineær pulstransmission i optiske
fibre" (Peter L. Christiansen, Niels Christian Albertsen, Finn Mengel, EMI and
Bjarne Tromborg, EMI)
- Morten Fordsmand (1985) "Den cirkulære Josephson oscillators dynamik"
(Peter L. Christiansen and Flemming If)
- Anders G. Frandsen (1985-86) "Modellering af havbølger" (Peter L. Christiansen
and Ivar G. Jonsson, ISVA)
- Jesper Mørk (1985-86) "Ikke-lineær dynamik: Pulstransmission
i optiske fibre (Peter L. Christiansen and Niels Christian Albertsen)
- Per Berg (1986) "Computermodeller af soliton-laseren" (Peter L.
Christiansen and Flemming If)
- Henrik Feddersen (1987-88) "Nerveimpulsers udbredelse" (Peter L.
Christiansen and Mads Peter
- Glenn Arthur Jørgensen and Knud Erik Meyer (1987- 88)
"Forbedret varmeoverføring for olie" (Peter L.
Christiansen, Leif Larsson, Alfa Laval, and H. Saustrup Kristensen,
Fluid Mekanik)
- Tommy Geisler (1987-88) "Ikke-lineære effekter i optiske
fibre" (Peter L. Christiansen, Jesper Mørk, Niels Hyldekær
Jensen, and P. S. Ramanujam, DFM)
- Niels Østergaard (1988) "Ab initio beregning for
hydrogen-bindinger med henblik på biomolekylers dynamik"
(Peter L. Christiansen)
- Niels Grønbech-Jensen (1988-89) "Specielle kvantetilstande af det optiske felt.
"Squeezed States" (Peter L. Christiansen and P. S. Ramanujam, DFM)
- Jens Trandum (1990-91) "Anharmoniske gitre med anvendelser" (Peter L.
- Michael Jørgensen (1992) "Integrability and Blow-up of
Nonlinear Differential Equations" (Peter L. Christiansen)
- Henriette Gilhøj (1992) "Classical and Quantum Mechanical Properties of the
Discrete Self-Trapping Equation" (Peter L. Christiansen and Alwyn C. Scott)
- Peter Skovgaard and Phuong Nguyen (1992-93) Nonliner Fiber Optics and
Laser Dynamics (Mads Peter Sørensen and Peter L. Christiansen)
- Imad F. Abou-Hayt (1992-93) "Blow-Up and Chaos in Nonlinear Differential
Equations" (Peter L. Christiansen)
- Kim Ørskov Rasmussen (1993) "Nonlinear Dynamics and Blow-up"
(Peter L. Christiansen and Mads Peter Sørensen)
- Carl Balslev Clausen (1995-96) "Nonlinear Optics" (Peter L. Christiansen
and Mads Peter Sørensen)
- Lars Blegvad Laursen (1995-96) "Pulsudbredelse i ikke-lineære fibre
med og uden chirp" (Mads Peter Sørensen and Peter L.
- Michael Jalloh (1996) "Modelling the fibre ring laser"
(Mads Peter Sørensen and Peter L. Christiansen)
- Morten Rask Jensen (1996) "Kaos i Josephson punktdioder" (Peter L.
Christiansen and Mads Peter Sørensen)
- John Hyldig Jensen (1996-97) "Optiske pulser i regulære og stokastiske
medier" (Mads Peter Sørensen and Peter L. Christiansen)
- David Henriksen (1997-98) "Stabilization of Nonlinear Excitations by
Disorder" (Peter L. Christiansen and Mads Peter Sørensen)
- Jens Schjødt-Eriksen (1997-1998) "Dynamics of Spatial Solitons in
Saturable Nonlinear Media" (1997-98) (Peter L. Christiansen and Jens Juul
Rasmussen, OFD Risø)
- Pernille Christensen (1998) "Kohærente og irregulære
mønstre i exciterbare celler" (Mads Peter Sørensen and Peter
L. Christiansen)
Ph.D. Degree Courses
- Nonlinear and Stochastic Dynamics. Modelling of Technical Systems and
Biomathematics (with Mads Peter Sørensen, V. Konotop, Yu. B. Gaididei,
J.-G. Caputo, J. Mørk, and
Jens Juul Rasmussen), IMM (Fall 1995)
Other Teaching and Lecturing Activities
- Danish Mathematical Society: "How dark is the shadow?" (in Danish)
December 14, 1970
- Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (DCAMM):
"Problems from the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction" (in Danish)
March 15, 1971
- Teacher at "Computer Techniques for Electromagnetics and Antennas",
International in-service course held October 25-28, 1971 by Danish
Engineering Society and Electromagnetics Institute, DTU
- Danish Microwave Day, January 21, 1972, DTU: "Progressing
Wave Formalism in Wave Guides"
- Teacher at Denmark's International Student Committee (DIS): Study Division.
Course: "Mathematics. A Cultural Approach" (Spring 1972)
- Laboratory of Applied Mathematical Physics Study Circle on
G. B. Whitham, "Linear and Nonlinear Waves", John Wiley, New York (1974).
Organized with Ivar G. Jonsson, ISVA (Spring 1976)
- Laboratory of Applied Mathematical Physics Internal Seminars:
"Nonlinear Waves and Inverse Scattering" (in Danish) March 23, 1976
- Laboratory of Applied Mathematical Physics Internal Seminars:
"GTD again" (in Danish) November 25, 1976
- Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (DCAMM):
"Soliton Waves" October 9, 1978
Teacher at "Theoretical Methods for Determining the Interaction of
Electromagnetic Waves with Structures", NATO Advanced Study Institute,
Norwich, UK, July 23-August 4, 1979 (director: J. K.
- Institute for Electronical Systems, Aalborg University:
"Solitons in a superconducting circuit element" (in Danish) April 22, 1982
- Mathematical Institute, Aarhus University: "On sine-Gordon solitons
including a computer film", December 10, 1982
- DTH-DIA-DTB Sammenslutning for Kunst: "Computer film on Sine-Gordon Solitoner
and Josephson Junctions" (in Danish) (with Ove Skovgaard) January 20, 1983
- Institute of Mathematics, DTU: "Sine-Gordon Solitons Illustrated by
Computer Film" (in Danish) February 2, 1983
- Members of Danish Technical Research Council, DTU "Solitons and Vector Processor" (in Danish)
(with Ove Skovgaard) March 1, 1983
- Danish Center for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (DCAMM):
"Solitons illustrated by computer film" (in Danish) April 11, 1983
- Selskabet for Naturlærens udbredelse: "Solitons illustrated
by experiments and computer film" (in Danish) (with Malte Olsen)
October 10, 1983
- Danish URSI-day 1984, DTU: "Soliton research illustrated by computer film"
(in Danish) April 27, 1984 (invited talk)
- Grafik Dage, RECKU, Copenhagen: "Soliton research illustrated by computer
film" (in Danish) May 14-16, 1984 (invited talk)
- 10th Summer School in Mathematical, Ravello, Italy, September 4-24, 1985:
"Solitons and chaos in the sine-Gordon system" (invited talk)
- Lecturer at Folkeuniversitet, Copenhagen. Course: "Chaos and Order - in
Nature and Society (in Danish):
"Computer Modelling of Non-linear Systems" (with Ove Skovgaard) October 23,
1985 and October 15, 1986
"Solitons and Chaos (in Danish) (with Malte Olsen) October 30, 1985 and
October 29, 1986
- Thomas B. Thrige Seminar at the Inauguration of the Center for
Modelling, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Irreversible Thermodynamics at DTU:
"The Priority Area MIDIT" December 4, 1985
Lecturer at the in-service course Mathematical Modelling held at Den jyske
Idrætsskole, Vejle, November 16-19, 1986 by Danish
high school teachers' professional committee for Mathematics "Computer Modelling as a Source
of Inspiration for the Development of New Mathematics" (in Danish)
- Invited speaker at Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV) meeting
on The active Fibre, DTU, March 17, 1988 "Solitons - an Introduction" (in
- 12th Summer School of Mathematical Physics, Ravello, Italy, September 14-26,
1987, Italy: "How Stable are Strongly Non-linear Solitons?" (invited talk)
- 13th Summer School on Mathematical Physics, Ravello, Italy,
September 5-17, 1988: "Wave Propagation in
Biology" (with Arun V. Holden) (invited lecture series)
- 14th Summer School in Mathematical Physics, Ravello, Italy, September 11-23,
1989: "Order and Chaos in Small Biomolecules. Classical and Quantum Mechanical
Descriptions" (invited talk)
- 15th Summer School in Mathematical Physics, Ravello, Italy, September
10-21, 1990: "Nonlinear DNA Models" (invited talk)
- Institute for Physics, Aalborg University:
"Pulse Shortening in Optical Fibres" November 13, 1991
- Lecturer at Folkeuniversitet, Roskilde: Course: "Chaos, the new world
picture, and selvorganization" (in Danish)
(with Erik Mosekilde) 6 lectures, October-November 1991
- 17th Summer School in Mathematical Physics, Ravello, Italy, September
7-19, 1992: "Hamiltonian Structure for a Modified Discrete Self-trapping
Equation" (invited talk)
- Inaugural Workshop on Physics and Chemistry of Biological Systems, DTU:
September 28-29, 1992: "DNA Models" (invited talk)
- Danish Society of Applied Mathematics, DANSAM:
"Non-linear Science" (in Danish) November 24, 1993
- Teacher at Summer School "Nonlinear Physics for Condensed Matter Systems",
University of Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 14-July 30, 1994, 3 lectures and
exercises: "The Discrete Self-trapping Equation"
- Teacher at Summer School "Nonlinearity and Disorder, Universidad Complutense
de Madrid", San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid, Spain, August 15-19, 1994,
3 lectures: "Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics" (director: L. Vázquez)
- Erwin Schrödinger Workshop on Discrete Geometry and Condensed Matter
Physics (DG), Erwin-Schrödinger-Institute, Vienna, Austria, February 4-17,
1996: "Blow-up and Noise in the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation" (invited
talk February 6, 1996)
- Teacher at Euroschool on Superconductivity in Networks and Mesoscopic
Structures, Certosa di Pontignano, Siena, Italy, September 7-20, 1997, invited
"Description and Properties of the Sine-Gordon equation" (director: C.
- Summer School on Energy Transduction in biological systems, ITQB, Oeiras,
Lisbon, Portugal, June 15-27, 1998, invited lectures:
"Effects of long range interactions and two-dimensional energy transfer I and
II" (director: L. Cruzeiro-Hansson)