Call for Papers2014 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2014)THEORY TRACKJuly 12-16, 2014Vancouver, BC, CanadaOrganized by ACM SIGEVO |
The GECCO 2014 theory track welcomes all papers that address theoretical issues in the whole of evolutionary computation and allied sciences. So, in addition to Genetic Algorithms, Evolutionary Strategies, Genetic Programming and other traditional EC areas, we also very much welcome theory papers in Artificial Life, Ant Colony Optimization, Swarm Intelligence, Estimation of Distribution Algorithms, Generative and Developmental Systems, Genetics-Based Machine Learning, Search Based Software Engineering, and more. The theory track considers submissions performing theoretical analyses or concerning theoretical aspects in the areas described above. Results can be proven with mathematical rigor or obtained via a thorough experimental investigation. Submissions bridging theory and practice are encouraged. Topics include (but are not limited to):