02122 Software Technology Project F12 - preliminary information

Praktisk Information

Undervisere: Valentin Goranko (322/127, vfgo@imm.dtu.dk) og Carsten Witt (322/124, cawi@imm.dtu.dk)
Tid: onsdage 13.00-17.00
Sted: endnu ikke fastlagt

Fagprojektet starter den 1/2-2011 kl. 13.00 med en introduktionsforelæsning og præsentation af standardprojekterne. Tilmelding til et standardprojekt sker i den første uge. Ønsker man at skrive et ikke-standardprojekt, skal det godkendes af de kursusansvarlige inden kursusstart.

En liste over de 8 standardprojekter er følgende. Se nedenfor for mere detaljeret beskrivelse af projekterne.

  1. Rock solid Multimedia Integrated Development Environment or Visual Programming Environment with tangible programming
    Vejleder: Michael Rose (mir@imm.dtu.dk) and Francois Anton (fa@imm.dtu.dk)
  2. K nearest neighbours for streaming data
    Vejleder: Michael Rose (mir@imm.dtu.dk) and Francois Anton (fa@imm.dtu.dk)
  3. Optimale Postruter (fagområde: grafteori og algoritmik)
    Vejleder: Hjalte Wedel Vildhøj (hwvi@imm.dtu.dk)
    Optagelsesbegrænsning: maks. 2 grupper
  4. An Interpreter for OCL in PROLOG
    Vejleder: Harald Störrle (hsto@imm.dtu.dk)
  5. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) for weather radar and wind energy data visualization and analysis
    Vejleder: Pierre Pinson (pp@imm.dtu.dk) and Pierre-Julien Trombe (pjt@imm.dtu.dk)
  6. Compiling (object-oriented|dynamic|your own) languages
    Vejleder:  Christian Probst (probst@imm.dtu.dk) and Sven Karlsson (ska@imm.dtu.dk)
  7. Visualizing nature-inspired metaheuristics for optimization problems
    Vejleder: Valentin Goranko (vfgo@imm.dtu.dk) and Carsten Witt (cawi@imm.dtu.dk)
  8. Randomized satisfiability testing
    Vejleder: Valentin Goranko (vfgo@imm.dtu.dk) and Carsten Witt (cawi@imm.dtu.dk)

Tilmelding til standardprojekt

  1. Find gruppe bestående af 2-4 studerende, vælg gruppeleder og beslut standardprojekt. Hvis projektet har en optagelsesbegrænsning, vælg yderligere projekter med faldende prioritet.
  2. Skriv email til Valentin og Carsten (vfgo@imm.dtu.dk og cawi@imm.dtu.dk) senest tirsdag d. 7 feb. kl. 12.00 med projektets navn/projekternes navne og gruppemedlemmer (navn + studenter-id).

Vigtige datoer i projektet (nogle af dem er foreløbige):

7. februar: tilmeldingsfrist til standardprojekt.
8. februar: første forelæsning om projektstyring (foreløbig dato)
15. februar: projektplan skal afleveres (via campusnet under opgaver)

7. marts: anden forelæsning om projektstyring (foreløbig dato)
21. marts: statusmøde 1
30. marts: revideret projektplan afleveres

11. april: tredje forelæsning om projektstyring (foreløbig dato)

1. juni: statusmøde 2
11.-15. juni: aflevering af rapporter (nærmere aftales med vejleder)
21.-22. juni: mundtlige eksaminer (nærmere aftales med vejleder)

Detaljeret beskrivelse af standardprojekter

Standard project 1:

Rock solid Multimedia Integrated Development Environment or Visual Programming Environment with tangible programming

Motivation: Today's software is plagued by bugs and the software life involves many costly cycles. Think about it: name one commercial software that does not have bugs or even that has been designed within the planned budget! The Haskell programming language (see [1]) allows one to separate the code that needs to have side effects (changes to variables or status) from the code that does not need to have side effects (that are very often the source of bugs), to prove directly the correctness of the software, and to have a very smooth and quick transition from design to implementation. Haskell is a strongly-typed programming language like Perl or Python, and it has strong advantages over Perl or Python: Haskell has algebraic types, pattern matching, a standardized language, an excellent compiler (the Glasgow Haskell Compiler written in Haskell!), and a very nice syntax.

Description: The purpose of this project is to develop a module for an Integrated Development Environment or a Visual Programming Environment for Multimedia applications, that will use the Haskell programming language (see [2]) and its libraries for tangible values (TV, see [3]), and Gtk-based Graphical User Interface for tangible values (GtkTV, see
[4]). The user will be able to design a multimedia application that will incorporate graphics/image/animation/video/audio/music renderers using the Haskell bindings for OpenGL, QuickTime, and audio (see [5]) as well as tangible values ("visual and interactive manifestations of pure values, including functions" _from [6]_).

Prerequisites (optional): 02156 Formal Logical Systems or 02157
Functional Programming

Bibliographic references:
[1] http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Haskell_in_industry
[2] http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Introduction
[3] http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/TV
[4] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/GtkTV
[5] http://cs.yale.edu/c2/images/uploads/AudioProc-TR.pdf
[6] Conal Elliott, Tangible Functional Programming, International
Conference on Functional Programming, 2007, http://conal.net/papers/Eros/.

Contact: Michael Rose (mir@imm.dtu.dk) and Francois Anton (fa@imm.dtu.dk)

Standard project 2:

K nearest neighbours for streaming data

In recent years, massive data sets have emerged in many applications, including financial applications, network monitoring, telecommunication data management, sensor networks, computer network traffic, phone conversations, ATM transactions, web searches. This phenomenon has led to increasing amounts of information flowing taking the form of data streams. Data streaming problems have engendered a large amount of interest among the Algorithm, Database and Networking communities.

The kth order Delaunay triangulation and Voronoi diagram for a set of generators (points) allow one to answer the nearest neighbour and the k nearest neighbour problems efficiently. These problems are found in the many different application fields mentionned above. The kth order Voronoi diagram of a set of generators (points in the plane) is the tessellation of the plane, where the tiles are the regions of the plane that have the same k nearest points among the set of generators.

The objective of this project is to implement a greedy algorithm that keeps always the generators that minimize the Hausdorff distance of the "old" Voronoi zone (before insertion of a new generator) with respect to the "new" Voronoi zone after insertion of a new generator.

The students will be given the description of the algorithm in pseudo-code, the GEL library, that offers the geometric data structure (half-edge) for storing the Delaunay triangulation and the Voronoi diagram, and an implementation of the ordinary Voronoi diagram for static sets. Students are free to use whichever programming language.

Contact: Michael Rose (mir@imm.dtu.dk) and Francois Anton (fa@imm.dtu.dk)

Standard project 3:

Optimale Postruter (fagområde: grafteori og algoritmik)


Hver dag går og cykler postbude tilsammen mere end 50.000km i Danmark. Optimering af postruter kan derfor give anledning til store besparelser. Formålet med dette projekt er at implementere et program, der kan planlægge optimale postruter. En postrute er optimal, hvis den distance postbuddet går uden at levere post er mindst mulig. Postruterne skal planlægges i en model af København, der er konstrueret med data fra OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap er en gratis crowdsource-baseret korttjeneste, der p.t. dækker ca. 97,2% af det danske vejnet. Sammenlignet med proprietære korttjenester har OpenStreetMap en utrolig god dækning af småstier, gangveje, skovstier m.v., og denne information kan være værdifuld ved planlægning af postruter. Projektets hovedfokus er på de algoritmiske og grafteoretiske udfordringer ved beregning af optimale postruter. De betragtede algoritmer skal implementeres i et program, der kan beregne og eventuelt visualisere optimale postruter i et passende udsnit af København.

Projektet forudsætter kendskab til grafteori og algoritimik, og det er et krav at studerende enten har gennemført kurset 01227 Grafteori eller har bestået 02105 Algoritmer og datastrukturer 1 med en god karakter.

Contact: Hjalte Wedel Vildhøj (hwvi@imm.dtu.dk)
Optagelsesbegrænsning: maks. 2 grupper

Standard project 4:

An Interpreter for OCL in PROLOG

The Object Constraint Language (OCL) is a logical language to express queries and constraints on models expressed in UML and similar modeling languages. It combines elements of modal logic with elements from programming languages like Java. The goal of this project is to write an interpreter for an OCL-fragment on a simplified representation of UML models, both of which shall be implemented using SWI-Prolog. Therefore it is essential, that the student has basic
Prolog programming experience.

Technically, the team will start by creating a scanner/parser using Definite Clause Grammars, a compiler-compiler technology built into Prolog. Next, navigational and equational expressions will have to be covered. Then comes handling collections and quantifiers, procedural abstraction and (recursive) procedure calling, basic type checking, and meta-model access. Depending on the size of the OCL fragment covered, this project can be scaled up or down to cover more or less
of the above.

The team taking on this project will learn a good deal about OCL and UML, and also about software engineering in general, and particularly, using SWI-Prolog and the tools that come with it, e.g. Javadoc-style HTML documentation generation from PROLOG-code, unit testing, profiling, code visualization, advanced debugging, Definite Clause Grammars, and so on. The project will be supervised by Associate Professor Harald Störrle of IMM/DTU.

Contact: Harald Störrle (hsto@imm.dtu.dk, 322.024)

Standard project 5:

A Graphical User Interface (GUI) for weather radar and wind energy data visualization and analysis

Background: Wind energy applications such as wind power prediction require the use of large amounts of data. These data come from multiple sources (e.g. onsite observations from measuring stations, meteorological forecasts from Numerical Weather Prediction models, images from weather radars) and, consequently, have very diverse formats (times series, georeferenced data, gridded data). This raises an important issue since there does not exist any common or efficient platform for their visualization and analysis.

Objectives: Design a user-friendly GUI for enhancing the combined visualization of several sources of data. The following initial specifications will serve as a starting point for the project:
   - efficient system for data request, retrieval and display,
   - handling of animations (it is crucial as most data consist of  time series or of series of images),
   - preferences should be given to open source softwares/programming languages/solutions,
   - operationability of the final GUI on web browsers will be considered.

Besides proposing innovative solutions to the given problem, it is expected that the students will document and justify their choices (e.g. by taking into account potential extensions of the final product in the future).
Supervision: The work will be supervised by Associate Professor Pierre Pinson and PhD Student Pierre-Julien Trombe from DTU Informatics (Mathematical Statistics Section).

Contact: Pierre Pinson (pp@imm.dtu.dk) and Pierre-Julien Trombe (pjt@imm.dtu.dk)

Standard project 6:

Compiling (object-oriented|dynamic|your own) languages

Compilers are at the heart of our software development processes; they connect the developed code with the underlying hardware.

In this project you will develop a compiler for some language of your choice, and will target some hardware of your choice. Each language and target platform has its own peculiarities, and you will learn about techniques used in optimizing compilers, about optimizations and analyzes, and about code generation.

The languages we suggest are Java, JavaScript, and, well, your own language - or you could choose to extend Java or JavaScript with some features not present yet.

The project is ideally suited for groups of 3-5 students, and can be split up into modules with clearly defined interfaces.

Contact: Christian Probst (probst@imm.dtu.dk) and Sven Karlsson (ska@imm.dtu.dk)

Standard project 7:

Visualizing nature-inspired metaheuristics for optimization problems

Nature-inspired metaheuristics such as evolutionary algorithms, simulated annealing and ant colony optimization are often applied to hard optimization problems. In this project, we develop a Java framework that visualizes the working principles of nature-inspired metaheuristics for the solution of combinatorial optimization problems, most notably
the traveling salesperson problem (TSP).

As minimum, the framework should allow the following:

- Search spaces: bit strings and permutations (i.e. TSP tours)
- Nature-inspired algorihms: simulated annealing, an evolutionary algorithm, an ant colony optimization algorithm
- Problems:
   - test functions OneMax and LeadingOnes
   - selected TSP instances from the TSPlib library
- Visualize the constructed solutions for two-dimensional TSP instances

Flexibility and modularity of your implementations are desirable. If further problem classes, heuristics and visualizations are covered, this will be assessed positively.

Contact: Valentin Goranko (vfgo@imm.dtu.dk) and Carsten Witt (cawi@imm.dtu.dk)

Standard project 8:

Randomized satisfiability testing

Background: the algorithmic problem SAT of checking whether a given boolean formula has a satisfying truth assignment is one of the fundamental NP-complete problems. That means that no deterministic sequential algorithm is known (and is unlikely to exists) that can solve that problem efficiently, that is, in number of steps polynomially bounded in the length of the input formula. Therefore, search for alternative methods is very important. Randomized algorithms have emerged as one of the practically best approaches for solving computationally intractable problems, and in particular SAT.

Objectives: this project involves developing, testing, and experimenting with randomized algorithms for testing satisfiability of boolean formulae in clausal and non-clausal form. Several versions of the problem will be dealt with, and several types of randomization will be considered, incl. Monte Carlo and Las Vegas types of methods. The language of implementation will be the choice of the students.

Contact: Valentin Goranko (vfgo@imm.dtu.dk) and Carsten Witt (cawi@imm.dtu.dk)