Dynamic Systems and Software

Per Grove Thomsen

AbstractA one-dimensional model with axial discretization of engine components has been formulated using tha balance equations for mass energy and momentum and the ideal gas equation of state. ODE's that govern the dynamic behaviour of the regenerator matrix temperatures are included in the model. Known loss mechanisms are coupled directly into the governing equations instead of applying losses as corrections to simulation results from an idealised model.
KeywordsDifferential Algebraic Equations, ESDIRK methods.
TypeConference paper [Without referee]
ConferenceApplied Parallel Computing
EditorsJ.Wasniewski et al.
Year1996    Month September    No. 1184    pp. 661-668
PublisherSpringer Verlag
SeriesLecture Notes in Computer Science
ISBN / ISSN3-540-62095-8
BibTeX data [bibtex]
IMM Group(s)Scientific Computing