Numerical study on optimal Stirling Engine regenerator matrix designs taking into account the effects of temperature oscillations

AbstractA new regenerator matrix design that improves the efficiency of a Stirling engine has been developed in a numerical study of the existing SM5 Stirling engine. A new, detailed, one-dimensional Stirling engine model that delivers results in good agreement with experimental data was used for mapping the performance of the engine, for mapping the effects of regenerator matrix temperature oscillations, and for optimising the regenerator design.
KeywordsStirling Engine, Optimal design, Regenerator design, Numerical methods, SDIRK methods
TypeJournal paper [With referee]
JournalEnergy conversion and management.
Year2006    Month January    Vol. 47    No. 1    pp. 894-908
PublisherElsevier Ltd
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IMM Group(s)Scientific Computing