Two-microphone Separation of Speech Mixtures

Michael Syskind Pedersen, DeLiang Wang, Jan Larsen, Ulrik Kjems

AbstractMatlab source code for underdetermined separation of instaneous speech mixtures. The algorithm is described in

[1] Michael Syskind Pedersen, DeLiang Wang, Jan Larsen and Ulrik Kjems: "Two-microphone Separation of Speech Mixtures," 2006, submitted for journal publoication.

See also,

[2] Michael Syskind Pedersen, DeLiang Wang, Jan Larsen and Ulrik Kjems: "Overcomplete Blind Source Separation by Combining ICA and Binary Time-Frequency Masking," in proceedings of IEEE International workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, pp. 15-20, 2005.

All files should be in the same directory. The algorithm is run by calling main.m. A number of parameters can be specified in main.m. See further the included readme.txt
KeywordsSource code, underdetermined ICA
Year2006    Month January
NoteDemo available at
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IMM Group(s)Intelligent Signal Processing