Modulational Instability in Periodic Quadratic Nonlinear Materials

Joel F. Corney, Ole Bang

AbstractWe investigate the modulational instability of plane waves in quadratic nonlinear materials with linear and nonlinear quasi-phase-matching gratings. Exact Floquet calculations, confirmed by numerical simulations, show that the periodicity can drastically alter the gain spectrum but never completely removes the instability. The low-frequency part of the gain spectrum is accurately predicted by an averaged theory and disappears for certain gratings. The high-frequency part is related to the inherent gain of the homogeneous non-phase-matched
material and is a consistent spectral feature.
TypeJournal paper [With referee]
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Year2001    Month September    Vol. 87    No. 13    pp. 1-4/133901
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IMM Group(s)Mathematical Physics