Asymmetric induced cubic nonlinearities in homogeneous and quasi-phase-matched quadratic materials: signature and importance

Ole Bang, Joel F. Corney

AbstractIn continuous-wave operation asymmetric induced nonlinearities induce an intensity-dependent phase mismatch that implies a nonzero so-called separatrix intensity, the crossing of which changes the one-period phase shift of the fundamental by Pi , with obvious use in switching applications.We derived a formula for this QPM-induced separatrix intensity that corrects earlier estimates by a factor of 5.3, and we found the optimum crystal lengths for a flat phase-versus-intensity response on each side of the separatrix
TypeJournal paper [With referee]
JournalOptics and Photonics News
Year2001    Month December    Vol. 12    No. 12    pp. 42
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IMM Group(s)Mathematical Physics