Visual Temporal Logic as a Rapid Prototying Tool

AbstractWithin this survey article, we explain real-time symbolic
timing diagrams and the ICOS tool-box supporting
timing-diagram-based requirements capture and rapid prototyping.
Real-time symbolic timing diagrams are a full-fledged metric-time
temporal logic, but with a graphical syntax reminiscent of the
informal timing diagrams widely used in electrical engineering.
ICOS integrates a variety of tools, ranging from graphical
specification editors over tautology checking and counterexample
generation to code generators emitting C or VHDL, thus bridging the
gap from formal specification to rapid prototype generation.
KeywordsRequirement capture, rapid prototyping, temporal logic, hardware synthesis.
TypeJournal paper [With referee]
JournalComputer Languages
Year2001    Vol. 27    No. 1-3    pp. 93-113
PublisherPergamon Press
BibTeX data [bibtex]
IMM Group(s)Computer Science & Engineering