@MISC\{IMM2009-05790, author = "J. Larsen and T. Jensen and R. Haahr and S. Duun", title = "Pulse Oximetry Matlab Demo Software", year = "2009", month = "oct", keywords = "pulse oximetry, idependent component analsysi, comparison, evaluation, small data set", publisher = "Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modelling", address = "Richard Petersens Plads, Building 321", note = "Use of this software requires citation to this links and the publication: Thomas Jensen, Sune Duun, Jan Larsen, Rasmus G. Haahr, Mette H. Toft, Bo Belhage, and Erik V. Thomsen: {''}Independent Component Analysis Applied to Pulse Oximetry in the Estimation of the Arterial Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) - a Comparative Study{,''} Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2009. {EMBS} 2009. 31th Annual International Conference of the {IEEE}.", url = "http://isp.imm.dtu.dk/pulseoximetry", abstract = "This Matlab demonstration include methods for estimating the optical ratio in pulse oximetry. The methods include Independent Component Analysis (ICA) algorithms from the {ICA}:{DTU} Toolbox, FastICA and an implementation of the Masimo Discrete Saturation Transform (DST) algorithm. Also scripts for demonstrating how the methods can be used and evaluated are included." }