@ARTICLE\{IMM2000-0508, author = "M. Hindsberger and V. V. Vidal", title = "Tabu search - a guided tour", year = "2000", keywords = "tabu search, local search, combinatorial optimization, metaheuristics", pages = "631-651", journal = "Control and Cybernetics", volume = "29", editor = "", number = "3", publisher = "", url = "http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/pubdb/pubs/508-full.html", abstract = "The main purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the ideas behind Tabu Search - one of the most popular metaheuristic appoaches. For the sake of concreteness a simple example of the traveling salesman problem will be used in the discussion to illustrate the process of designing a Tabu Search algorithm. In addition, some extensions will be presented. Finally, applications will also be provided as well as references to more specialized publications.", isbn_issn = "{ISSN} 0324-8569" }