@ARTICLE\{IMM2007-05013, author = "T. Bolander and P. Blackburn", title = "Termination for Hybrid Tableaus", year = "2007", keywords = "Hybrid logic, modal logic, tableau systems, decisionprocedures, loop-checks.", pages = "517-554", journal = "Journal of Logic and Computation", volume = "17", editor = "", number = "3", publisher = "Oxford University Press", url = "http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/pubdb/pubs/5013-full.html", abstract = "This article extends and improves work on tableau-based decision methods for hybrid logic by Bolander and Bra\$\backslash\$''uner [2006]. Their paper gives tableau-based decision procedures for basic hybrid logic (with unary modalities) and the basic logic extended with the global modality. All their proof procedures make use of loop-checks to ensure termination. Here we take a closer look at termination for hybrid tableaus. We cover both types of system used in hybrid logic: prefixed tableaus and internalised tableaus. We first treat prefixed tableaus. We prove a termination result for the basic language (with n-ary operators) that does not involve loop-checks. We then successively add the global modality and n-ary inverse modalities, show why various different types of loop-check are required in these cases, and then re-prove termination. Following this we consider internalised tableaus. At first sight, such systems seem to be more complex. However we define a internalised system which terminates without loop-checks. It is simpler than previously known internalised systems (all of which require loop-checks to terminate) and simpler than our prefix systems (no non-local side conditions on rules are required)." }